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"let's play" taemin taunted them and raised a fist.The glasses on the pavement started shaking and popping.

It took yoongi a few minutesto register what was happening.The glasses were increasing in size and they could all see how dangerously sharp the objects.

"oh no" Taemin shook his head, "i haven't showed you guys the rest of my tricks yet"

A chorus of maniac laughter filled the air,making the supposed leader taemin to laugh too.Running to their direction was none other than the shadow mens coming from hidden littered areas with shadow.

Jasmine cocked her head to jungkook's direction,the boy only rolled his eyes but didn't hide the big smile etched on his face, "solo-mission all over again?"

Hoseok laughed at this and high-fived an incoming Xandra with his arms, "its gonna be like solo-mission all over again"

Namjoon and yoongi were crazilly thinking of a plan while guanlin surfed through the air.The boy saw what seems to be men clad in dark blue uniform armed with multiple guns.

The boy sighed in relief when the man started approaching them but the relieved smile was soon wiped off when they started shooting their guns at their direction.

"holy shook" he shouted and drop the ground safely where as jenevie was busy making a bigger force field.

"we need to have a plan" jenevie shouted.

"sure i have one but i need to apologize to ever-"

"namjoon the plaaaaan" Taking out a paper where he had scribbled some unreadable gibberish on it.

"this two" namjoon pointed to nerezza and taemin who were once again pounding on the barrier to have a tea party, "seokjin,jungkook , jasmine ,Xandra and jimin"

Jenevie was carefully understanding the whole plan and heard jimin's whimpers of pain, "are you okay jimin?"

"no im f-" he stopped in his tracks when he saw a purple mist and felt something went into his chest.almost immediatly he felt refreshed.Turning around to meet the eyes of a smilling jenevie he engulfed in hug and thanked her before joinning his team.

"h-hyung hyung" guanlin cried out, "we've got people shooting guns here and i can assure you that they're not on our side"

"me,hoseok,taehyung and yoongi will be incharge of this" namjoon pointed to the crowd of unknown men clad in dark blue uniform that were now rapidly approaching them.

"guanlin and jenevie.alliester" guanlin gulped loudly.If it wasn't for his father being such a strict person ever since he was born,he wouldn't feel this fear.

"stop it father" a little 8 year old guanlin screamed as he felt the whip clashing down onto his wounded skin.

Alliester was in a bearded's man body.His soul still truly frightening as his eyes glinted with no mercy.

no mercy

"you failed me"

"im sorry father!" guanlin's cries died out.Pain slowly spreading through his whole body making him unable to open his eyes anymore.

A quick tug woke the boy up from the horrible flashback.The owner of the hand was none other than jenevie who had a concerned look on her face, "you okay there?"

"yea" it seems that jenevie wasn't even close to buying his lie just as he was but chose not to ask it when she faced everyone once again.

Since everyone was now energized, jenevie could see the fiery glint in their eyes.except for one,and it was kim taehyung who looked to be in pain with his wobbly wings but hid it with a smile.

"be ready on a count of 3.im going to open this portal"




Shouts filled the air once again as everyone ran with all their might.Taehyung was lagging for abit at the back,clutching his soaked back and flapping his wings for a bit.

Once he was stable,he leaped up to the sky enjoying how the winds hit him.

"yah taehyung ah!" yoongi shouted.Even from far away,he could clearly see yoongi's whole arm coated in fire.

Nodding at the unsure boy,he pressed his earpiece, "bird watch i need to count how many they are"

"5 military cars ?!this guys are nuts" taehyung commented while adjusting his seat on a very big cloud.

imagine bringing the love of my life to sit h-

His peaceful thoughts dissapeared once again when the shower of bullets soon appeared.Prepping his knuckles,he formed a big chunk of ice that was shaped into a big arrow and threw it to the cars that were right in the middle of the five cars.


Smilling as men were now littered with fire littered on their bodies. Some who were unluckily close to the explosion were sprawled dead.

Hoseok had turned himself into a human metal while slamming a few soldiers and knocking them out with his metal fist and arms.

"woohoo!" his cheers were short lived when another bigger man toppled over hoseok.resulting to the boy to yelp as he was pinned helplessly.

When the bulky men pulled out a weird blue syringe alongside a diffrent gun Hoseok stiffled a choke, "tranqualiser guns"

Namjoon who heard it immediatly came to his aid by shooting the men right in the head with his powers.But he cursed once he realized that the person had a black helmet on.

"bullshit" his hands were close by now to the person's direction.Gathering up another blue energy ball he tossed it to the man's torso making him fall to his side,withering in pain but it all stopped when a dart was shot to namjoon's direction.


Namjoon's knees wobbled at the sight of the dart stuck in his neck ,feeling all his vision turning hazy.Hoseok and yoongi screams sounded like murmurs in his ears as he closed his eyes.compleyely giving in on fighting

"hyunggg!!" taehyung screamed loudly once he saw namjoon's limp body on the road.Spreading his wings he bulldozed his way to the ground right next to his cousin's unconsious body,face flushed in anger.

The pain in his back doubled which made him scream and topple over himself while Clutching tightly on his arm just so it would lessen the pain.One of the men had a smug smile on its face as it approached taehyung who was still withering on the floor.

"we haven't even fought yet,here you
are" he pointed a tranqualiser gun at the back of taehyung's head, "pathetic heroes"

Feeling another stabbing pain on his back,something finally potruded from his back which made the man who was pointing a gun at him to be harshly shoved to the back.Fresh warm blood leaked out from the wound as another two sets of wings decorated his back.

Its size clearly big enough to swipe the whole enemy.Taehyung grunted at the additional weight of his bloody white wings while hoseok and yoongi watched in awe.Far away was an astonished jungkook who got a punch from his deary distraction.

Seeing his reflection on a shop mirror,he was delighted.He flapped his newly found wings and carresed his cheeks that had frozen scales on it alongside his eyes which were glowing a light blue.

Gancing at his unconscious cousin again,anger fueled his systems making the first row of the armed men to take a few steps backwards after seeing taehyung took a step foward.


He likes this feeling.A feeling of pure power as he scanned the shaking men trembling in fear at his large and intimidating wings.

And at last he smirked

in pure evil

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now