30.A traitor's fight

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Jimin was struggling by now.His water barrier literally getting thinner with supporting yoongi whose eyes were now closed.

The boy whimpered when he felt the painful burst of Alliester's black mist.But he refused to show his weak side and decided to use his last amount of strength to summon a circle of water around Alliester's neck.

But Alliester only smiled at his effort.Flicking his pointed finger,the water unclasped itself.Resulting jimin to crumble next to yoongi in pain.

im gonna die im gonna die im gon-

A sharp wind whistled through the air as shadow appeared from out of nowhere.The shadow started increasing in size until an oval portal was formed and shadow appeared.

Tightly gripping her waist was none other than melissa who was literally shaking in fear.

"ah" alliester started off,one hand lifting up a small ball of black smoke, "the two love-birds"

To say jimin was shock would be an understandment when he saw shadow planting a soft kiss on melissa's head before gently pushing her next to the boy not forgetting to mutter a quite protect her for me.

Jimin didn't realize this but he had a strong trust for this strange woman so he kept a protective arm around melissa and yoongi.

"this is a fight between me and him.please don't intefere" shadow said before getting in her fighting stance,hands curled to reveal the same ball of shadows bobbing.

"traitor of tridan" Alliester started off,nearly laughing at the reaction he got, "you came here for nova didn't you?"

"i came here to fight you" she muttered and screamed before lashing out at the man who calmly stood infront of her.

When the girl was close to swipping Alliester's cheek,he dissapeared in thin air only to appear behind her with a knife.

"argh" Melissa was now crying seeing shadow clutching her bleeding stomach.

"didn't knew you were this weak vrasës i expected so much from my best fighter and the best traitor" the man announced while inspecting the whole chaos he had created without anyone's help.

He was infact joyed at the thought of finally getting to control earth after wiping out its whole existence of humans and more weaklings.

Shadow tried to remove the sharp knife but was unable to do due to her trembling hands.Seeing melissa standing up with anger in her eyes,shadow's eyes were filled with dread just as jimin tried to pull the girl backwards but was slashed on the forehead with a sword.

"MELISSA DON'T" shadow's pleas of help reached deaf ears when she saw melissa lifting her sword high in the air to stab Alliester from the back.Unknown to her,the cunning man already had a plan formed in his head.

Sharpening his black tendrils,he pushed them from his back,just in time to see melissa getting choked by the sharp object penetrating her neck.

Blood seeped out from her neck and mouth but before closing her eyes,she muttered the sentence shadow loved to hear, "i love you"

Shadow screamed out in pain.But the pain in her heart was more intense after seeing her whole world die infront of her.That sight alone infuriated the girl who chucked a powerful burst of her shadow to the man.

Alliester toppled over his ground and tried to move his numb hands.After a few tries,he finally got hold of his hands and heaved out another shot of his powers.This time,he halted the girl's movements using his mind and one of his palms pushed against the girl's stomach.

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now