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Jungkook flailed wildly trying to find something to hold on while air tousled his hair causing him to wince and tears pool at his eyes.

How a simple chit chat with his crush led to his death?If he knew this he wouldn't have invited the poor lady.But atleast she wouldn't die with h-


He landed on a pair of hands.Jungkook looked up and saw the face of his saviour.

"t-taehyung?" The boy didnt answer but he carefully sidestepped down to the ground allowing jungkook to stand up too.

Civilians crowded around and were wide eyed staring at a man with big white wings.

Jungkook knees nearly buckled if it wasnt for taehyung who chuckled and let jungkook rest on his shoulders for a bit before picking him up gracefully and sat him on a bench.

"im gonna help the others too if you have anythi-" A wave of water caused taehyung to lose his balance but quickly regained them and shook his feathers getting rid of the excess water.

Taehyung sneered at jimin whose hands are full from clutching onto seokjin,xandra and a shaking namjoon.

"that was fun!" Xandra eagerly shouted but her smile instantly faded when she saw her missing bestfriend.

"jas?jas where is she?" Instantly jasmine and namjoon toppled over eachother when they dropped from the sky.

not literally from the sky

"hey!" guanlin shouted eventhough his voice was muffled by the vicous wind.He looked at the two people he had saved but shrugged his shoulders innocently, "you guys wanted my help anyways"

Xandra ran to jasmine who grimaced at the cold contact of water that stuck to her clothes

"you're okay" Xandra breathed out a sigh of relief and stared at everyone expectantly, "now that we got involved in an earthquake"

Simultaneously everyone stared at the kim facility building which was tilted dangerously to the left side which was also lucky since no buildings were planted there except for an empty playground.

"anybody got more confessions?" yoongi raised his hand.

"we got a bird" pointing to the back where a large spaceship flew silently as if it was waiting for them to notice.

"aw geez but we haven't even planned anything yet" Hoseok huffed out.He took jimin's hands which were littered with rings and touched it,quickly turning himself into metal.

"alright alright i will plan it but with this ship sneaking on our asses you think its that easy?" Namjoon exploded in every word making it sound like he was rapping.

Seokjin sassily turned to his friends and teleported them to a rundown restaurant and a few mices scurried away much to his dissapointment when hoseok literally jumped on yoongi's back for protection.

Namjoon shook his head and called everyone to gather around him.

"here's the plan"


Shadow tugged urgently on melissa's arm.She decided not to show her sadness looking at melissa's weak self even if she was then one who suffered more injuries on her self.

But with Nova's help,it was healed looking brand as new.

"leave me vrasës im only adding dead wei-"

"no" shadow was stubborn.sticking to only one choice not caring the consequences she was facing, "they will hurt you if im not by your side"

Melissa sigh defeated at shadow's words.

"you're right" before linking their arms together and dissapearing in the tunnel of darkness summoned by shadow herself.


"this is a bad idea!" seokjin shouted as he tried to fly the jet properly even after grazing most of it to a wall.

"namjoon's gonna kill me" he laughed wildly while slapping his thigh with both of his hands,not caring about the whole vehicle he was flying.

Jungkook who was beside seokjin was in horror when the jet decided to have another turbulance.He pushed seokjin away easilly to his butt on the floor since he wasn't wearing his seatbelt and pulled down on the control stick so they could finally be lifted in the air.

He then yelped when seokjin aimed a stinky shoe to his direction while continuing his complains of a sore butt.

"your acting as if the end of the world is not coming" jungkook commented but still concentrated on flying the jet.

"for a 20 year old your much more better than seokjin himself" Seokjin feigned his hurtself at hoseok's comment.

"for a 24 year old you still can't properly ride that damn car"

Hoseok who was busy riding the jeep filled with his alpha squad scrunch his face in annoyance at seokjin's clapback, "watch your mouth seokjin,i can pack a punch better than you"

A stattic noise filled their earpiece until jimin's voice filled the tension, "guys we can see who is better once we finish it off with Alliester"

"he's right" yoongi chimmed in currently in another jet which fortunately namjoon was flying.

Namjoon groaned defeatedly, "focus on the plan guys not on each other's throats"

A chorus of 'yes sir!' and 'roger that' presumably from seokjin filled the tense air with laughter.

"you guys got any inspiring speech before we die or anything?" jungkook spoke out.

Namjoon only shrugged at yoongi who had a mischiveous glint in his eyes before opening his mouth.

"if you feel like you're going to crash then accelerate more you idiot"

Author's note:

min yoongi said that lmao [claps]

How's this chapter?Feedback is mostly welcomed here since I need to improve my writting skills.


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