4. Midway City .

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Yoongi was seething from both Anger and excitement as his fire-proof gloved hands gripped onto the consoles of his weapon. He calls it Blaster from how it explodes stuff amazingly upon impact.

Beads of sweat began to form over his forehead as Jimin's voice came through the earpiece.

"Namjoon is still stuck with traffif right now" Jimin reasoned out. Beside Jimin was Jungkook, the boy in charge of maintaining the pair of eyes for the group, and also reminding Jimin not to drive fast or he might blow away the man sitting on the roof of the car, Yoongi.

"so thats why we stick to the : if they strike fast thats when we strike back motto?" Jungkook ask just for the sake of confirmation.

Jimin nodded, yelping in shock as he almost crushed onto a passerby still runing around the vicinity.

Jimin frowned, "I thought Taehyung cleared the path? Why are there still humans around this area?"

"Uh-Uhm, I don't think its a human hyung" Jungkook pointed out, screaming as the said civilian tried to smash its face onto Jungkook's window. "oh shat is that an alien?! Yoongi help!!"

The boy managed to get a good once over of the alien smashing its face to his window. It had skin that sagged down like a century old blobberfish. The skin was inevitably slicked from alien juices and it was flushed pink, and it was also wearing a nice dark green suit that had a strage logo on its breast plate.

"ugh get off the window" Jungkook grumbled and punched the window, cracking it open and throwing the mad cuckoo to its back as electricity fried it alive. But more strange screaming were heard raging from the back. Jungkook was filled with terror as more similar looking creatures chased them, Yoongi being thoughtful to blast those huddled in groups with fire explosives.

"Im trying!!" Yoongi shouted back. His fingers repeatedly pressed on to the buttons of his console and loud explosives were made from his precise actions. "Jimin I don't think this is great driving skills" he commented as he kept losing his target from all the swaying and bumping up and down.

"shut up Yoongi Im crushing them under the car"

Risking a glance to his back, what Jimin did was not working well.

"well they ain't dead thats what I can confirm" Yoongi replied as the blaster did not much damage to what was attacking them. "Im going down, you guys decide to join or what?"

Without waiting for their response, Yoongi decided to jump of the roof of the vehicle, tearing away his gloves in the process to release the inner Hepasthathus supressed inside of him.

The boy bursted into complete flames that turned from orange to blue as he engulfed one crowd of aliens with it.

"get that!! get that!!" Yoongi shouted, palms extended to shower the creatures aproaching him for a short culinary class. The smell of roast made him stop his actions. The boy felt like he was gonna vomit, despite his past suicide failed attempt and trying to get canibalistic. The smell of these creatures were total rotten eggs and meat. It made his stomach do sommersaults. "yall should try frying them, we could totally replace every victoria secret perfumes with this in 2019"

A blur of grey streaks and blue appeared out of the corner of his eye, Jungkook. The boy panted loudly, his previously styled hair now toussled from the force. "true hyung, its like fart gas"

"Jungkook don't spoil it!"


"I think that's Namjoon alright" Taehyung smirked. His boots found purchase against the ledge of the rooftop they landed on, wings warming up for another fly-over.

His fingers traced the grey band on his wrist to his forearm, simply letting the magic of technology do the rest of the work with the whole transformation process .

Guanlin gasped. "that is so great! what is that?"

"carbon mesh suit, prototype 4D and also activated with nano-technology that is placed in this bracelet" Taehyung explained. "a new change since most of our suits were used manually. We wanted it to be easier to get our suits so an amazing scientist of our created this, she changed lives with this"

Guanlin beamed warmly. He had no idea about human idealogy but when Taehyung was telling his story, he looked genuinely happy and it made him smile like that too.

Taehyung breathed in deeply, relishing a smile of content as he jumped off the ledge of the building.

Behind him, Guanlin was laughing as he vaulted of the edge and summoned a large air vortex to prop him up in the air.

Taehyung had the best of his time soaring up and down the sky with his massive wings. Quickly beating Namjoon's entrance with his own by placing two large ice knives onto the ship's body and exploding it.

"well ain't this a suprise? thanks for ruining my dramatic entrance kid"

"salty hyung" Taehyung grinned as he saved everyone again with creating a large snowflake that cut the alien's path short. "meet guanlin"

Guanlin was busy looking around the place he was in, unbothered to give the people welcoming him a glance because he thought the buildings propped up and sarounding them were much more interesting. Until Hoseok cleared his throat for attention.

"O-oh!" Guanlin was flustered. "Im sorry for my manners, greetings the name is Guanlin from Mercuranian"

Hoseok grinned but his eyes were wide with confusion. "Im gonna be a good guy and not ask what that last word meant"

A loud rumble erupted from their backs which ended their brief exchange of conversations.

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now