Chapter 41: The True Test

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I felt so much anger towards him, I hated him for he had done to me. I couldn't help it, he had made me suffer for his own ambitions and I hated him for it! I charged at him screaming summoning bones and Blasters behind me to attack.

Gaster: "Really? Why are you charging?"

His tone was mocking, he was making fun of me and it only served to piss me off. I launched my bones to his side to scare him into dodging and shot my Blaster into the only direction that was available to him. But, he just stood there, casually letting the Blaster almost brush his arm. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, he didn't even flinch. I had my Blaster shift the beam towards Gaster. But before I could have hit him, he disappeared into the ground. I didn't know what to think, I looked around but without Papyrus around I couldn't-

(Y/N): "Papyrus!? Paps-!"

Just when I realize that I was alone with Gaster I felt a strong hit connect to the side of my neck. I couldn't even gasp or cough with how disoriented I was. Everything blurred, swung even turned upside down. I threw up as my body and mind became impaired. I slowly turned my head to the person responsible. Either time slowed down for me or he was being annoyingly generous as I saw a large Gaster Blaster charging by his side. He looked at me as if waiting.

Gaster: "You won't have his help, now. He won't always be around!"

He fired which I dodged on the nick of time. I summoned more bones but this time I shot them repeatedly on the ground at him. I needed to test something. He dodges of course but I teleport to the side of him and fired a few more bones. I couldn't tell what happened as I saw him get impaled but he moved to the side casually like it never happened.

(Y/N): "Enough of your fucking games! Why won't you die!?" I shouted at him furiously.

Gaster: "Because, child, you can't kill what doesn't exist."

(Y/N): "Try me, fucker!"

He summons a hand and it speeds towards me. I managed to dodge it only for another to slam me into the imaginary ground and drags me towards Gaster, whom stomps on my head hard and kicks me away. The pain was becoming more apparent as I struggled to get up, all his hits were doing more damage than anybody else that I have fought. He was on a whole new level than I, that isn't going to stop me though! I had a plan but it was going to take a lot out of me. If it doesn't work then I am screwed. Gaster kept on sending hands at me but I keep on teleporting to dodge his attacks. In order to keep him preoccupied, I countered with my bone attacks, eventually I saw an opening and I took it. I summoned blue bones from the ground, penetrating him five different angles. I smiled victoriously and raised my arm for a Gaster Blaster attack. Just as my arm went down for it to fire, the bones shatter and he disappears into the ground. The beam stops and I look around for him until I screamed in pain from my kidneys getting punched.

Gaster: "You shouldn't take your victories so early on the battle, it is unbecoming of you."

I turned around enraged, but I quickly calmed myself down for the next plan . . . I don't have a fucking plan. He smirks at me and I just lose it, letting lose all my power onto him,but a few minutes and not a single scratch on him. I stop, panting in exhaustion. I was super close to the end of my powers, it would excite me if it weren't for my need for vengeance. I do notice something though, it could give me an advantage. Regardless his abnormal abilities, he still has the same reaction time as a normal human. I could use this. I only have one shot to pull this off.

Gaster: "What's wrong, you can't be tired already." I know his plan now, I calm myself and get ready for my plan.

(Y/N): "Kinda, though unlike you, I am in shape."

I smile to myself. He seems to find it amusing as well. I rush forward and jump on a Gaster Blaster and ride it towards him, he fires the Blaster at him full force before jumping off and teleporting to the side of his new location he then fired to Blasters from both sides of Gaster. This of course causes him to vanish to another location but I was a step ahead of him, his fault was he always did it in his blind spot, he always went directly behind me. I turned around completely and fired again where he was going to be, I had one left in me. He pops looking suprise to see a beam flying towards him. He vanishes but this time he didn't know where I was, that's when he saw a Blaster charging its shot for him and fires, it doesn't weaken him but it distracted him long enough for me to punch him in the chin, a very vulnerable weak spot for any human. He sways as his brain did a tumble in his skull, I took the opportunity to shoulder tackle him to the ground and pin him with bones. I then jump on him and repeatedly punched him in the face. I kept doing it until my knuckles start to bleed, which was the end for me. I want as I get off of him and try to walk away, but I collapse only to be caught by a pair of hands.

Gaster: "Well done, son. You passed the test."

(Y/N): "What *pants* what test?" I was too tired and too frustrated to think.

Gaster: "Even though you were in a position to kill me and I know that you wanted to, you refused and walked away. I'm proud of you, whatever that means to you." He walks past me and opens a big circle in the void. "There are multiple universes out there, I'm sure you are well acquainted with theoretical physics, that represent each and every possible route from our past and present that determines our future. In one universe there is a skeleton in a blue hoodie who relaxes with his brother Papyrus. In another, the same skeleton was a monster in the surface, using magic to kill and protect. And in another, a boy much like yourself kills everyone for power, eventually wiping out the entire world of existence. You, are the one who holds back from such evil and accept a new fate. I am sure you know what I mean."

I do, he is saying that this universe is where I am the good guy. I have to say, it felt good. But, there is another final question.

(Y/N): "What happens now?" He gives me a genuine smile and shrugs.

Gaster: "I'm a scientist, I don't know the future but I do know you hold the most weight in it. Just remember the girl."

With that, he shoves me into the portal that he snuck behind me, I fell through in a fading vision of him smiling. I need to find this girl.

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