Chapter 39: Saving The World?

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In all honesty, this was inevitable. She would have come after me even if I didn't join Beacon. She seems the type of woman who doesn't like opposition, especially the type that could overthrow her. The way that they were setting up, it seemed that she was intending to stay out of it, but I knew she was waiting for later. Her lackeys all took their positions around me, but I saw one missing.

Papyrus: "I don't see her."

(Y/N): "HOLY SHIT! Paps, *pant* don't scare me like that before a battle." I chuckled at my own embarrassment. Papyrus shrugs and smiles at me, it looked like an apology to me.

Papyrus: "I left like I usually do when you were accompanied by Cinder. I, the great Papyrus, will not watch as you are frolicking with the enemy."

(Y/N): "In all fairness, I didn't consent."

They all began to move, the only one who wasn't here was that black haired girl with the red eyes, the nerd I think. All the others were taking there time whether it be caution or how intense the air was but this was slow. I almost went first but the big man himself lept into the air and was coming at me fast. I caught him with my telekinesis and threw him at Arthur using his own momentum. Before the rest could follow I took this opportunity to trap Emerald in my own way. I quickly swiveled around towards her and immediately piercing her with blue bones. She screamed shortly before opening her eyes to find herself unharmed, until she moved, which she screamed again with pain instead of fear. She quickly learned what I did and remained awkwardly still for the battle. The others seem to realize that I'm no joke. Salem seems to thinks so as well so she begins to glow and give off a sinister vibe, that is until a puddle of black formed under her and pulled her in rather quickly. The others were getting a bit worried to fight my father and I, but he never came out. Tyrian was the next to attack, he zigzagged as if it mattered. I summoned bones around me and shot them in his direction, as expected he dodged. Now with a lift of a finger, a larger bone came out of the ground and made direct contact to his stomach, launching him slightly into the air. I turned back to Hazel, who the one I considered the biggest threat, considering our previous encounter. I summoned three Blasters and had them shoot, what I shot would kill a normal person but I knew he could handle it. Unfortunately, he dodged and it turns out that the poor doctor didn't see the beam on time. It struck him ripping the flesh from his body. The good thing was he seemed to be breathing, well I assume that because he was still moving, mumbling curses and hate towards me, of course he was screaming but who wouldn't be? I never liked his mustache anyway. The big guy, Hazel, grabbed him and made off towards the still fresh ruins for safety.

I turned to Cinder who reacted quickly with the usual flames out of the hand gimmick. I summoned a wall of bones to block the fire. I saw a flicker in the body though, I turned to Emerald and wrapped her in a blue glow, slightly moving her to give her a taste of the pain I offer. I slightly bend her back so she was in an extremely awkward position. It didn't seem to work though because Papyrus saw her sneaking behind me. All he did was look and my eyes followed. Her eyes met mine and she knew immediately that it was futile. She drew her bow but I knew better than to let her trick me again. I conjured a mass amount of bones then launch the projectiles at her, which she had little time to dodge. I then summoned a wall of bones and sent it towards her. She jumped over only to blanketed by a blue glow and slammed face first hard into the ground. She struggles against my telekinesis and looks me in the eyes.

(Y/N): "You know, I am more than willing to let you surrender-"

I felt something coming from behind so I casually teleport to my right to see Mercury completely missing a kick. I grab her leg and jammed a bone into her leg, rendering her immobile and in extraordinary pain. She flopped to the ground before I sent Cinder into the castle ruins. Tyrian landed with a thud, though it only seemed to stun him for a bit. He recovers, growling and cursing me for my existence. He starts to run at me and I see a dust up Hazel running towards me as well, this would be frightening but . . . Well, you know. All I had to do was lift a finger and bones came from the ground delivering pain from all sides. And just like that, Tyrian was out. Now for Hazel, he would have been too tough for that, no need to go easy on him. Since he lacks range, I got on a blaster and flew high in the air, I know, dick move. I snapped my fingers and he was surrounded, with another snap, they fired.

Mad Time: Abused Dusttale sans m!reader x RWBY HaremDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora