Chapter 4: I'm Sorry

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Right before I reached my room, someone grabbed my hand. I slowly turn to find a worried Summer, she was holding a box. Behind her was a familiar head, Paps. I wanted to smile, but my jaw was broken.

Summer: "Let me help you."

I followed her like I was on death row. We reached the bathroom. Huh, I've never seen this room before. Summer took out some kind of towel. It stung my cuts, but it was a numb pain. Summer tried to smile but only succeeding in making herself cry. After she was done with whatever she was doing, I walked towards mirror. I looked like shit, a corpse would've won a beauty pageant against me.

Summer: "Look, (Y/N), son, I . . . I-" The moment she said son, I turned towards the door and start walking to my room. "WAIT! Please, I just-"

I closed the door, I don't want apologies. Not theirs, not anybody. No, I want Papyrus. As I lay in my bed I look up to see my brother. I opened my mouth, prepared to tell him that he was right and I am so sorry. But when I opened my mouth, Papyrus hugs me.

Papyrus: "Hey brother."

(Y/N): "Paps I-"

Papyrus: "I know (Y/N), I know you have a skele-ton of things to get out of your chest. But it's going tibia okay."

I sat there for a while, I start to smile despite the pain. Then I start to laugh, only able to chuckle though.

(Y/N): "kekekekeke, and here I thought you weren't humerus."

We both shared a laugh. I then turned to Papy and said . . .

(Y/N): "When should we leave?"

Qrow POV

Raven and I held back Tai, it took a lot of strength but we managed to get him off the kid. Oum, that boy is going to have scars all over him. (Y/N) then got up and slowly made his way upstairs. Summer followed him upstairs after grabbing a med-kit. The girls were still reeling from the shock.

Qrow: "Yang, Ruby, go upstairs or outside, now."

They were reluctant at first, about to protest, but they realized that I wasn't asking. Whether they didn't want to see their brother or to avoid the seething Tai, they went outside. When they were outside, I slammed Tai against the wall. Tai at first struggled, led by his rage then eventually fell into a state of regret. That didn't make me any happier as I held his throat squeezing as hard as I could.

???: "Qrow!"

I ignored the voice, this bastard is gonna get what is coming to him.

???: "Qrow!!"

I will kill you!

???: "QROW!!!"

I turned to see who it was, Raven was taken a back by me. Don't know why.

Raven: "Qrow, he has had enough."

I turn to look at Tai, he is a strange kind of purple. I release him only for him to pathetically flop to the floor.

Tai: *Cough**Cough* "Qrow look *Cough* I didn't-"

I knew what he was going to say and it only pissed me off more. I kicked his stomach as hard as I could to shut him up.

Qrow: "You know I have been patient with you assholes for years, not anymore." I crouch to eye level. "I hope you suffer in hell cause that's where your going."

Raven: "Qrow, stop, he has had enough. Put this behind you, you need to stop before this becomes a problem."

Qrow: "A problem? A PROBLEM!? This was a fucking problem from the start Raven, and you are taking his side now!? Why would you-"

Mad Time: Abused Dusttale sans m!reader x RWBY HaremWhere stories live. Discover now