(Lemon) The Perfect One-Night Stand

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Vernal POV

I was nervous inviting him. I was so happy that he accepted, but someone as easy-going and confident as him must have better experience than I. I have only done it twice in my life, and both were disappointing. I don't have much to offer so I am hoping that he will be patient. I went to my bed and took off my bra and put my clothes back on so I can be prepared. I waited on my bed, and waited, and waited, and . . . Zzzzzzzz.

Some time later

I woke up with my body restrained, I start panicking and start trying to fight off whatever was holding me, then I heard footsteps. All of a sudden I was turned onto my stomach, my assailant gently jumped onto my back with their dick on my ass. I was going to scream until they covered my mouth with their hand and I heard them. I immediately knew who it was.

(Y/N): "Sorry for the wait, sweetheart. I wanted you to wait as punishment for surprising me."

I relaxed under his control. He let go of mouth and started to unbuckle my armor while he was still on my back. After the process, which took 30 seconds, he removes my clothes and turns me around. He stares at my chest, I start to get nervous.

Vernal: ". . . You don't like th- AAHHH!"

He starts to suck on them like a babe with their mother. I shivered at the touch, then I yelped when he nipped it. I wanted out of my restraints. I look at what was holding me, then I see a blue tint on my hands and feet. I knew he was using telekinesis, so I was forced to do nothing. It was driving me crazy and yet it felt so right! I was moaning and whimpering, his touch was enough to create static throughout my body and my inability to do anything was like ice cream to the cake.


She tasted clean, huh. Who would've thought that a bandit who works all day in the heat would taste like . . . Well not like dirt. I continue teasing her, enjoying the sounds she was making.

Vernal: "P-Please, ge-*gasp* get my other place."

(Y/N): "Wow, never thought you would say please my whole life. I like hearing you beg." Her eyes widen, she knew she was at my mercy. I gave her a mocking look. "Say 'Pwetty Pwease lick my pussy master'"

Vernal: "You b-bastard, that is s-*gasp* So degrading."

I smiled at her, unlike her I am quite content with the position I am in. I took a bite of her breast, which made her squeal and squirm from the pleasure. I kept switching between breasts to keep up the stimulus. I go from soft to rough and back to soft. This keeps on going on for a bit knowing that it was extremely frustrating to Vernal.

Vernal: "Okay! I will d-do it!" Her nipples were a little tender from my biting so while I waited I licked them. "P-P-Pwetty p-p-p-pwease . . . l-lick my pussy m-m-master."

I smiled victoriously while Vernal was glaring daggers at me. I trailed my tongue from her breast to her neck to her mouth. As I was trailing my tongue I was undoing her pants. She defiantly kept her mouth close as I try to force my tongue in. She wants to let me in but wants some control over her restrained body. I knew how easy she was, so I licked my thumb, leaving a thick coating and slid my hand down her pants. I insert my middle finger in her, she still doesn't open. Then I used my spit covered thumb to vigorously play with her clit. This gets her to open up with a squeak. She tried to close her mouth, but my tongue was already on its way in until she bit it. I covered my mouth to dull the pain.

(Y/N): "Aah! Shit."

Vernal: "Oh my God! *moan* I am so so-sorry, i didn- mmmmm!"

I recovered quickly and as she was saying her apology I took the opportunity to give her a kiss. I didn't want to completely take control so I submitted my mouth to her. Strangely enough, she did the same thing. We both passively played with each others mouths. I take away the restraints on her leg which causes her to moan in relief. She spreads her legs a little bit to give me a bit more space to play with. I insert another finger into her pussy as I slowly take off her pants. She helped me take them off. I broke the kiss and she starts to go back to her original moaning and whimpering.

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