Case file #666 (Character)

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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 20
Height: 6 ft. 0 in.
Weight: 212 lb
Hair length: (H/L)
Hair color: (H/C)
Eye color: This is key on finding him due to his unique color. His right iris is red while his left iris has two colors, (E/C) in the center and red in the outer iris. Also, his left eye also seems to permeate a purple smoke-like substance when he is feeling some emotions close to anger or is in an aggressive state.

 Also, his left eye also seems to permeate a purple smoke-like substance when he is feeling some emotions close to anger or is in an aggressive state

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This is a police sketch of what the culprit looks like given the similar descriptions of the victims he lets go.

Personality: Besides his obsession of murdering those who enter the city, almost all survivors acknowledge that (Y/N) is not a bad guy to know. He will converse with those who pose no threat to him and often both party's will have a pleasant talk. Though of course he murders all but one in the end with few exceptions otherwise. The times that (Y/N) has shown anger is when there is discrimination or extreme abuse. One example is a faunus/human trafficking ring believed that the city was safe. With no knowledge that (Y/N) was watching, a slaver beat a faunus close to death for stealing an old Apple. This triggered an immediate reaction from the culprit, giving the slavers painful and brutal deaths ranging from asphyxiation to burning. As previously stated, the slaves were exceptions to the 'let one live' rule as all were set free with food, weapons and clothing from the culprit. (Y/N) is also known for cringe puns. Other than that, his past is completely unknown. He has also been seen talking to an imaginative figure that he calls Papyrus, refers them as brother. (Y/N) also finds enjoyment in killing Grimm, he makes it sound like a hobby. He also touchy about his family, every personnel must avoid this subject if ever caught by him. Many have escaped due to him being lazy, he at times prefers to take a nap rather than chase down a target, so be mindful that escape is possible. Finally, he has a habit of saying "Do you want a mad time?" or "Let the madness begin." before killing, once said there is no going back.

Likes: Papyrus, murder, puns, faunus (finds them cute), puppies and dogs, food, naps, flirting, reading

Dislikes: Discrimination, rapists, slavery, Grimm, his past, his old family, politics

Physicality: (Y/N), though weaker than a than the average hunter, is very slightly stronger than the average person. It is believed that the culprits semblance increases his physical status.

Intelect: It has been reported that (Y/N) has a high level of understanding of Quantum physics, astrology, philosophy, and Grimm anatomy. It is believed that he has a PHD level of knowledge on these subjects and more. Do not underestimate him.

Aura: Surprisingly, it has been said that the culprit has a very weak aura. This has been reported by two survivors who see aura. Never has it been reported that he has ever taken a hit.

Semblance: His semblance is a strange one, he has told a few of the victims his semblance and if true may be the reason he kills. He gets more powerful with every kill, though the power is only a micro amount. He also has strange abilities that some might call magic, they will be listed below. He said after a while this only works on humans and faunus, so Grimm are no longer an effective resource.

Bones: These are the culprits main weapon. These affect differently based on the culprit. He can make it a solid to act as a shield or platform or weapon. Though the solid form is a resilient as actual bones. Other times it turns gaseous or a plasma, which burns or mutilates those who come in contact with it, it depletes aura quickly. Also, there are different colors that do different things.
White - touching it does damage.
Blue - moving when in contact does damage similar to white
Orange - standing still when in contact does damage similar to white

Telekinesis: Though limited to living beings that are not plant-based, his telekinesis is very powerful, it has been reported multiple times that (Y/N) effortlessly threw, push and swung people around. He uses this to either injure and kill or to keep attackers away. Victims have a aura of a light blue tint when affected by the telekinesis.

Gaster Blasters: These are his most powerful ability. Survivors describe them as a dragon-like skull. These appear out of thin air just like the bones, unlike the bones the skulls are purely solid with the resilience of iron. The Gaster Blasters release a high energy beam from the mouth that, when connected, gives a bone shattering impact and slightly burns the victim (believe to be a combination of friction and high velocity). They are also sentient as in they are completely loyal (Y/N) and will instinctively protect him from harm regardless of him knowing the threat or not. This can only be done if they are summoned.

 This can only be done if they are summoned

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Teleportation(?): This one is confusing. A victim told us that he followed the culprit and suddenly he would disappear in an alleyway with a dead end then he reappeared behind the victim. This is one of many examples of him disappearing and reappearing without explanation. This is still currently up for debate but would explain him never taking damage.

Sensory(?): This is an educational guess. We have reports of him knowing where people are and that he knows he is being followed. This goes for Grimm as well. This topic is currently under research.

If you ever come into contact with him, pray.

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