Chapter 21: The Bird of Death

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I texted Ozina that I will be back in a week. The blood I was losing was in large amounts. My weak aura was not enough to heal the wound so I left the arrow where it was. I needed to figure out how I can tend to this wound before I pass out. I heard a caw from a raven nearby, not a good sign.

One hour later

I start to fade in and out. I wont make it, it's a shame really. I could barely hear Papyrus trying to get me to keep going. I collapse on the ground, looking down to see blood pouring from my stomach.

???: "Well lookie here lads, looks like a boy stepped in the wrong neighborhood."

I look up to see a group of bandits approaching me.

Bandit 2: "Wonder if he's got anything important."

I summoned a Gaster Blaster, though it was small, still deadly enough to badly incapacitate someone.

???: "Enough!"

I look towards the voice. It's a women, and she was running towards me.

???: "(Y/N)?! Hold on (Y/N)!"

Everything goes black.

Time skip

I wake up with pain in my stomach. I sit up quickly only for my body to tell me to lay back down. I open my eyes to look around. It was a tent, well more like a war tent but still a tent.

???: "Glad to see your okay."

I turn to see a familiar face sitting on a chair.

(Y/N): "Well, hello Raven."

Raven: ". . . Hello . . . (Y/N) . . ."

She was looking at me with a neutral expression. Her eyes on the other hand were telling me a story.

(Y/N): "Sooooo . . ." She cocks her head slightly towards me. "How are you?"

Raven: "I have been . . . better. And you?"

I decided to play her guilt. I wanna know how she has been actually feeling after I left.

(Y/N): "Oh you know, it's actually nice not having to wake up every morning just to eat someone out and get hit if you do anything wrong."

She cringes, that must've had an impact cause the Raven I know doesn't show weakness.

Raven: "I am guessing that you are the Skeleton?"

(Y/N): "Indeed I am."

Her hand traces where the arrow use to be.

Raven: "Look, I know that I am probably the worst aunt in all of Remnant. Hell, I know I definitely don't deserve mother of the year reward. I just want to make amends, for what I had done for six years."

(Y/N): "And how do you plan on doing that? Six years is quite the long time. Don't get me wrong, Raven. I am not angry at anybody in the family, I am just not forgiving."

She nods her head in understanding.

Raven: " . . . Is there anything I can do to earn your forgiveness? I would never ask for it from anyone else, but I have done terrible things to you."

(Y/N): "No kidding?! You have used me as a sex toy. You have experimented bondage, BDSM, and more with me against my will. I still have a scar on my right hip from that time I tried to get away from you."

What happened was I was trying to escape her clutches, so she cut me with her blade to teach me a lesson.

(Y/N): "Don't get me wrong Raven, your a beautiful and sexy women. But some things shouldn't be done to a ten year old. I have endured your sexual experiments for the longest time, any other situation I would've been over joyed to sleep with you, especially at the age of 12. But it was a traumatizing life for me. The years weren't kind to me and I needed comfort. You offered none."

Halfway, her face went from guilt to crying. She hugged me, this rough and tough women was holding me and begging for forgiveness.

Raven: "I'm so sorry. I should've . . . I should've taken you out of there! Oh god."

To her surprise, I hugged her back. She jumped and was shaking, but soon relaxed.

(Y/N): "You can earn it just like everyone else." She nods.

Raven: "Okay . . ."

We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard something outside.

???: "Boss, we need you outside."

She suddenly gets serious after breaking the hug. She gets up and walks towards the closet.

Raven: "Alright, I'll be out in a minute." She walks to me with what looks like a crutch. "Here, I don't want to leave you alone. Use me as a support."

I nod. I get up, despite the dull pain, and use Raven and the crutch to carry me. We go outside to see what is needed. When we go outside, I receive looks of surprise and glares, which were easily quelled when Raven returns it. As we walk (in my case, limp), we see a familiar face surrounded by bandits.

Raven: "Hello Qrow."

Qrow: "Raven." He then sees me, then turns to Raven, then back to me. "Er, hey kid."

(Y/N): "Sup Qrow."

Raven: "What are you doing here? I already told you Valerie hasn't come here."

Qrow: "First off, what's the boy doing here?"

(Y/N): "I am still here ya know."

Qrow: "Okay, why are you here kid."

I explained the whole situation, leaving out the fact that it was an assassination by Ozina. To replace that fact, I told him that I was lost in the forest and Marduk came up to me. Raven and Qrow were surprised that I fended off four of Salems lackeys.

Qrow: "Wow kid, didn't think you were powerful enough to take on a maiden AND three other powerful fighters."

Raven: "Most impressive!"

(Y/N): "Damn straight!"

We all chuckled at this.

Qrow: "So the reason I am here is to confirm something with you, we had heard that you met with Salems men. What is all that about?"

Raven pondered on the question.

Raven: "They were telling me to stay out of their way, they had pointed out a few outpost locations that they want us to avoid."

Qrow: "Oh? Would you mind sharing those with us?"

Raven: "I said I would stay out of their way, which means not helping you."

They argued about this one subject for an hour, I sat down with the bandits playing Texas hold em. I won quite the lien thanks to Papyrus, heh heh. Next we see a furious Qrow walking out of the tent. Raven walks out with a victorious grin. Qrow turns to me.

Qrow: "Come on kid, I am on my way to Ozina. Wanna hitch a ride?"

I turn to Raven, who was giving me a pleading look.

(Y/N): "Nah, I told Ozina that I will be back in a week, so I will be there in a week. Also tell her that the mission was a success."

Qrow: "Well . . . Alright kid. I will, just be safe, okay?" He starts to leave, then turns back to me. "Careful, these people are not good company."

Qrow leaves and Raven approaches me.

Raven: "Trust me (Y/N), you made the right choice. I will make it up to you."

And with that, she begins her journey to redemption.

Mad Time: Abused Dusttale sans m!reader x RWBY HaremWhere stories live. Discover now