Chapter 38: Escape

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I don't know what to think exactly. I was never even meant to be in a family, just a killing machine. In all honesty, I am not really surprised just damaged. I thought he would say that he loved me, at least a show of care besides being a precious weapon. But, I guess my life has been always this way.

(Y/N): "No, I can't think that way! I have my friends at Beacon. Yeah, they care for me!"

I say that and yet I don't believe it, it's hard to. I turned to see Cinder has her weapons prepared but seemed hesitant, I don't know why, now would be the time to attack. I didn't care in all honesty, I just feel sick from this whole figuring out my life crap.

Cinder POV

He seemed . . . off. It made me uneasy, he couldnt have escaped without his powers, so how did he get out? I looked around with my peripheral for any sign of him, but didn't seem to see him. I backed up, looking in the cells until my back was against the wall. I looked at him with brave eyes but my body shook, afraid to meet Gaster especially since he warned us.


I just walked, walked down those halls towards the woman who I had sex with not long ago. She tensed but still had those same fiery eyes that she always wore. I didn't pay much attention to her, she was weak compared to me. I was so deep in my thoughts that I remembered something, Salem. I walked to Cinder, I didn't really care if I get an answer or not, voluntarily.

(Y/N): "Hey Cinder, where's Salem? I want to see her."

I raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer. She sweat a bit, knowing that even with her lackeys she is at a total disadvantage. Narrow hallways with little to escape to. I would win with no chance of miracle. She looked away, avoiding eye contact with me as her lips part slightly but trembling.

Cinder: "She's probably in the meeting room, where we held you. I don't know what your planning on doing but . . . think about the consequences."

(Y/N): "Fair enough, I won't take up anymore of your time, Cinder. Now go on, I have business to conduct." She doesn't exactly go but doesn't stay, she just disappeared from my sight.

In all honesty, I always wanted to do this. To think that such a person could instill fear in the world and run the Grimm. Now if I remember right she might still be there. I teleported to what I think was the conference room, oh man that so weird to think. I looked around to find no Salem, but it wouldn't have been fun if I did. Time to get her attention. I snapped my fingers and out came out a few of my friends, ones I know got my back. They looked at me expectantly, I reached my hand out and they leaned in to meet my touch. It felt comforting, papyrus by my side I felt untouchable yet I wanted to feel . . . Anything and everything. I still feel the melancholy from when I left the void. I wanted to ask so many questions, yet I couldn't ask and in all honesty I'm glad I didn't receive the answers. I snapped my fingers and I leaned back to the point of falling as a Blaster caught me. I sat up straight and nodded to my Blasters, they took their positions in a circle pointing outward. They began to charge and with a snap, the building itself was torn in half.

Salem POV

I needed to be getting the plan into action. It is difficult though with this boy in my dungeons. I can't think as long as I know that he could possibly beat me and he was within a mile of me and my castle. I knew that eventually that I would have to fight him or Gaster, but now that he is here, I can't help but fear for my life more and more every second. Maybe-

In a flash, my keep was split in two. Pillars of energy beam out of the structure and spun to cut the stone and metal. I was astounded, almost amazed. I knew what happened and yet I couldn't process it. I shook my head and ran towards the source, but I was met with the collapse of the building.


I teleported outside the mayhem and enjoyed the show. It was a strange thing to see a proud and mighty building be destroyed so easily from within. In all honesty, I knew that it wouldn't kill Salem or more than half the group, but still probably killed someone. On top of one of my Gaster Blasters was a little fox who was staring in awe at my handiwork. I at first didn't notice the stammering and shuffling survivors that were leaving the ruins. There was one in particular who was shocked to see me . . . But she was looking at me, was she?

Húlí: "Vulpes? Vulpes?! Vulpes!" She ran up to my Blaster without fear or caution and tackled the child in a loving hug, it was bittersweet to see a happy family, it was something I couldn't relate to. Oh ohm, I'm turning emo.

Húlí turned and glared at Salem who was approaching me with her henchmen. I looked around to see pools and puddles of strange liquids and Grimm all over the damn place. They weren't approaching me but still it was pleasant to see them, less of a mess than humans, you see. Salem and all but the scorpion were approaching me and the foxes.

Salem: "You have made a grave mistake, boy! You will regret this!"

(Y/N): "You sound pissed, are you pissed?" I smiled as I gave her sarcasm.

Salem: "More than that, Gaster may kill me, but at least I will have the satisfaction of ending you, boy."

The green haired man quietly landed in front of me, he turns to Húlí.

Húlí: "Venti, I won't tell you what you already know, this is my daughter. I will no longer serve that witch."

Venti nods and turns to place himself next to me in a fighting position. In all honesty, they would get in the way.

(Y/N): "You three be safe, bye!" I said quickly as I pushed them both, teleporting them to a spot in the emerald forest where I know they will be safe. "So, we both know what happens next, right?"

Salem: "Yes, I will have to start all over again but your head will make a nice ornament to my throne."

(Y/N): "And you will make good toilet paper."

We all prepared for battle. Well, when I say prepared, I mean I lean on my Blaster and everyone else just surrounded me. I waited and waited, I knew someone was going to charge. Hazel made the first move . . .

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