Chapter 33: Forgiveness and Deals

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Penny POV

I was in a chamber that was installed into (Y/N)'s room. I was already repaired by the mechanic, now we wait for them to do a full analysis on my programming. They couldn't find anything more in my programming or script that would cause me to go against myself. I look over at (Y/N) to see him covered in medical equipment. The doctor approaches Professor Ozina.

Doctor: "Though, the stress from the last has lessened, I'm afraid that this shouldn't be a repeated thing. Also, this form does not have anything that would signify that it exist."

Ozina: "Then the only thing that would trigger this form is an outside force, who-" She stops immediately. "*mumbles*"

Doctor: "Maybe, he hasn't been seen for 16 years though. Presumed dead." The doctor gives her a note. "Call if something happens." With that, he takes his leave.

Everyone but Qrow, General Ironwood, Ozina, Winter and Glynda left.

Ironwood: "You may also leave Qrow."

Qrow: "Make me. I am not leaving him to any of you except Ozina, no offense Glynda." She rolled her eyes. "Its hard to relax when even Atlas can't control their damn robots, again."

Winter clenched at that. I was afraid of a fight.

Penny: "Please, (Y/N) wouldn't want us to fight!"

Qrow: "If you think that, then you haven't known him for long. He would love to see me fight Ironballs and his almost trusty side-kick."

We heard (Y/N) do a short snort in amusement. The monitor showed that he was still in REM. He must've heard this unconsciously. Qrow smiled and General Ironwood looked displease.

Glynda: "The doctor said that he would recover in a few days. We should leave someone here to keep him safe until then."

We all heard running in the hallway.

Qrow: "Looks like we found our candidates."

We all see team RWBY and JNPR run through the door.

Nora: "WHERE IS HE!" She sees him and jumps on his bed. She starts shaking him. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! WAKEY, WAKEY!"

It took Qrow and Yang to pry her off. She eventually calmed down when Rei a pancake her way. I saw my friend, Ruby. They all see me as well. They all ran to me happily except Pyrrah. She especially avoided eye contact.

Ruby: "Penny! You are alive."

Penny: "I am very much alive." I was happy to see my friend again. "It is soooo good to see you Ruby!"

We talked for a while, I see Pyrrah just standing there with her back turned to me. I looked at her.

Penny: "Hey, Pyrrha." She flinched. Everyone goes to (Y/N). "Come here, please."

She hesitated at first, but came to me slowly with her head hung low.

Penny: "Pyrrha . . . Please look at me." I was concerned for her. She does. "Its okay. I know you didn't mean it."

Pyrrha starts crying. I opened my chamber and hugged her.

Pyrrha: "I am sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

She didn't hug me back, her body was shaking from the guilt. I know what I have to do.

Penny: "It is okay, my friend. I forgive you."

She cried even harder, but this time she hugged me back. The girls were watching with a smile. After Pyrrha was done crying, we all stood in front of (Y/N)'s bed.

Nobody POV

Qrow: "Now for the next problem, who will guard him. I can't do it right now because I am on a mission. I just saw the black light and followed it."

Some of the girls raised their hands.

Ruby: "We'll do it!"

Weiss: "Ruby, how many times have I told you to not volunteer me for things?" They looked at her with a blank expression. "Not saying I won't, I'm just saying."

Jane: "I think I speak for the team that we can as well."

Team JNPR nods. Ozina smiles.

Ozina: "Alright, Penny has to go back to the lab to get a proper check up. All of you will be working in pairs. The ones with bad grades will be on guard duty on the weekends."

Ruby, Jane, Nora, and Yang all groaned. They have the worst grades of their teams.

Ozina: "The first shift will begin right away. Penny should be back on the last day so no worries.

After an hour of planning, the pairs go like this. First, Ruby and Jane. Second, Nora and Yang. Third, Rei and Blake. Fourth, Pyrrha and Weiss. Finally, Penny. Everyone agreed to this new plan.

Somewhere else
??? POV

Salem and her little minions were capable fighters, but like Salem, I went against God to become stronger. If Húlí and Venti were here, they would've stood a chance. As I slowly walk over to Salem, who was on the ground coughing blood, and picked her up by her hair. She let out a pained grunt.

Salem: "Why are you doing this?"

???: "I noticed that you targeted my son, (Y/N). You were clever about it but I saw through it. We had a deal, Salem. You leave my son to do as he pleases and I don't interfere with your plans."

Tyrian: "MISTRESS!"

The fool tried to charge at me. I summoned a few hands and slammed him on the wall. I then summon a puddle of corruption to swallow half his body. Unless I close it, he will be fine.

Salem: "I kept my end of the bargain, Gaster!"

Gaster: ". . . Please, do not insult my intelligence, Salem. I from a world that allows me to see many things. I pay especially close attention to you and the boy. He had a faint scent of despair from a weakened state. He may have attracted four or five Grimm, but 126 is a pretty high number for coincidence."

I summoned a what I took to calling a 'Gaster Blaster' which was started by my son. I hear groaning on my side. It was Cinder trying to get up.

Gaster: "Ah, so your the maiden." I approach her, she backs up to the wall. "Do not fret, I wouldn't hurt unless I have to."

I stroke her cheek to both prove a point and instill more fear. I hear running in the hallways. I see two people enter the room. It was the fox, Húlí Kitsune and the calm wind, Venti.

 It was the fox, Húlí Kitsune and the calm wind, Venti

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They both readied to fight, but I put my hand up.

Gaster: "You two are the only ones who I don't want to hurt. Húlí, you should know that she won't help you find your daughter."

Húlí: "I-I have to try!"

I understood what she felt, but I couldn't help her unless my deal with Salem completely shatters.

Gaster: "And Venti, is this really the path you want to go down on?"

Venti, as usual, didn't say anything. But he broke eye contact showing his discomfort with the topic. I sighed and walked over Harmony, the newest one in Salems little possy. I walked to Salem and used a hand to grab her throat.

Gaster: "The deal shatters if you break it once more. If that happens, I won't be so diplomatic."

With that, I disappeared.

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