Chapter 2: Broken part 2

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Whisper - "Why am I writing this?"
*Actions* (Big or small) - *Punches self in the face* *Sigh*
*Effect* - *Pop, clap, ding*

(Y/N) Your Name
(L/N) Last Name
(F/C) Favorite Color
(H/C) Hair Color
(H/L) Hair Length
(E/C) Eye Color
(F/F) Favorite Food
After an hour of 'sparring' (beating) that Yang had righteously bestowed upon me, I couldn't move. But I had to or . . .


I was sent flying to the wall, fortunately my arm hit the part of the wall that had soft thatch on it.

(Y/N): "OOF!"

Tai: "Get up weakling." He kicked me in the stomach twice. "Your uncle is coming over and I need you to start carrying logs to the fireplace and then start making dinner."

(Y/N): "Y-yeah"

My body is small and frail, the fact that I'm still alive is due to both party's being careful. I made an attempt on lifting the logs but could only do one at a time.

Yang: "How pathetic." She said with a smirk.

Even though she was 2 years younger than me, was on a whole different level than me in combat. She could probably carry a tree by the time she gets to my age. As I start making dinner I hear a knock on the door . . .

Yang POV

I went to my room right after the insult I threw at (Y/N). I locked my door and sat on my bed for a good 5 minutes, I broke down.

Yang: "I'm sorry (Y/N), I just *hic* wanted you to be *hic* strong and now I'm bullying you. Oum, what am I doing?"

I was trying to help him, now I'm hurting him. Why am I hurting him?
Suddenly, I hear a knock . . .


I walk to the door and opened it to find Qrow standing there. He looked at me for a second then turned his attention behind me, probably to find a distraction other than me. Typical, he doesn't take part of any of the abuse, doesn't make him any better. I've seen him fight, why doesn't he help me?

???: "Well that's easy! He hates you!"

Qrow POV

Poor kid . . . I want to help, but I can't. Tai is the only one who can help me and I can't just start pissing him off. Kid, I hope you can forgive me.


I stiffen at the words that echoed in the air, I look at Qrow and he seems to not have heard the unfamiliar voice. I then see a kid who is only a head and hands with a scarf around his would-be neck.

 I then see a kid who is only a head and hands with a scarf around his would-be neck

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(Ignore sans and imagine the head with normal Brown eyes)

The head puts his index finger on his lips and then points his finger upstairs, with that he floats up the stairs. Qrow then sees Tai and starts to walk towards him. I follow.

Qrow: "Sup, Tai."

Tai: "Hello, Qrow." He turns to you with a glare. "What is it, boy."

(Y/N): "May I use the bathroom sir?"

Tai: "Ugh, fine. But use the outhouse."

Welp, that defeats the whole purpose for me. But I just nodded and hope the head boy finds me. I go into the outhouse and suprisingly found the boy with.

???: "NYEH HEH HEH, I have found you my brother!"

He makes an attempt to hug me but unsurprisingly his spectre hands went through me. I know I should be worried, but the truth is I felt very happy at the word 'brother'.

(Y/N): "*Smile* Wow, I guess I should greet you. Hollow, it's nice to meet you!"

The head made a contorted face showing that he was displeased with my pun. I was worried, I didnt want to ruin a chance of making a friend or better yet, a new family member. As I was about to apologize, I see that he was trying really hard suppressing a grin.

???: "That was terrible!"

I decided to keep going despite his complaint.

(Y/N): "C'mon dude, I know you liked it. I can see right through you. 😉"

???: "NYEEEHHH!!!"

(Y/N): "HaHaHaHaHa Heh heh heh heh!" It's been a while since I have truly laughed, it felt nice, really nice. And the spectre was obviously pleased by my reaction. "So who are you? You here to tell me my future?"

???: "I don't have a name yet, but . . . I do want to be your brother."

I was shocked to hear this. He wants to be my brother, I felt overjoyed, i felt happy, I felt . . . less lonely. He looked at me with a sad expression.

???: "I-I-I m-mean if y-you don't want to be b-b-brothers. Could we be at lea-!" I hugged him before he could finish.

(Y/N): "Of course we can be brothers! *sniff* what would you like your name to be . . . little bro?"

???: *Gasp* his eyes sparkled stars. "I don't know brother, what would you like to call me?!"

Hmm, I looked around the outside and I would name him something catchy.

???: "Hey (Y/N), what plant is that?"

He points to a reed-like aquatic plant.

"Oh, that's a papyrus . . . hey, little bro." "Yes?" "I'm calling you, Papyrus." "NYEH HEH HEH."

I must have been grinning very stupidly cause my cheeks were hurting. Suddenly, he puts his hands over my mouth.

Papyrus: "Sshhh."

(Y/N): "What's wrong paps?"

Papyrus: "Someone's coming."

(Y/N): "I don't hear anyth . . ."

Just then there were footsteps.

Summer: "Boy, get out, you've been in there for too long. Any longer and you don't get to eat."

She walks away.

Papyrus: "You'll be okay brother, for I, the Great Papyrus, will be here for you!"

(Y/N): "Heh"

5 minutes later

I entered the house and washed my hands and went back to making dinner. Paps was floating above me, watching me cook the meal that I won't be getting.

Papyrus: "Sure does smell good . . ."

At that moment, our stomachs growled at the same time, this made you giggle.

Tai "Hey asshole, shut it. I don't need your spit in our food!"

I closed my mouth. Qrow and Tai continued their conversation.

Tai: "I assure you Qrow, if she is in that forest, I will find her."

Qrow: "I hope so . . ."

Qrow POV

Once I find Valerye, I'm taking (Y/N) and get him a real family. These fucking monsters don't deserve a good kid like him. I've been spying for weeks and if it were up to me, I would've have cut Tai's tongue out and broken his hands. For now I have to be patient and hope the kid will stay strong. Please kid.

Mad Time: Abused Dusttale sans m!reader x RWBY HaremWhere stories live. Discover now