Chapter 20: You should be Afraid

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(Y/N): "The name's Skeleton."

I did a sarcastic curtsey. Emerald suddenly looked afraid and Mercury looked nervous, both of them readied there weapons. Cinder, on the other hand looked calm and amused. Now I remember, Cinder is one of Salems lackeys. Ozina gave me a list of names and Qrow told me who she was.

Cinder: "Oh please, everyone knows that he lives in the ruins of anima." Huh, so Salem doesn't know that I'm at Beacon. Perfect. "If you are not going to tell me your name then I will take you by force."

Guess the bones weren't enough fro them to believe. Hmmmm, I want to be a little random right now. What to say, oh I know what to say. I start walking towards her and her lackeys towards me. I start running to them shouting.


They looked confused, I took the opportunity to teleport behind Cinder. All of a sudden I see five of them, huh.

Papyrus: "There!"

One of the Cinders were highlighted for me. I summoned bones to the highlighted one, which dodged and ruined an illusion. I see, even if I hit the right one the real one will dodge replacing it with an illusion. A Mercury illusion was doing a flying kick towards me. Too bad I see the real Mercury trying to flank me. I let the fake hit me without flinching. As soon as the real one approaches, I form a solid bone in my hand and I bat her in the face. All of the illusions go out.

Emerald: "How?!"

I point to my brother.

(Y/N): "What, don't see him? Welp, that's okay. He is just a spectre-tator, heh. I mean, even if you could see him, you would just feel a bit hollow."

Cinder: "What does that have to do with anything?" She says calmly.

(Y/N): "Well, you see Papy can sense souls, which in turn gives me an advantage over your petty illusions." The Emerald lady shifts uncomfortably as I say this. "You should just face me head on, you are only hurting yourselves."

Mercury soon recovered and came at me with a flurry of strikes.

Mercury soon recovered and came at me with a flurry of strikes

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(Just imagine that is you, and those are kicks)

After a while she realizes that it's futile. I sat there with a smile.

(Y/N): "Ya done?" I said calmly, that wasn't even worth a sweat. "Now what to do next?"

All of a sudden a chain wraps around my stomach and I was pulled into the forest heading towards a tree. My teleportation was limited if I am being held or if I was going a certain speed, which from my estimates is 16 mph. I summoned a Gaster Blaster, I had it bite the chain and pull. This causes a certain green haired woman to be dragged to me. I got out of the chains and ordered my Blaster to attack. The girl tried to leap away but my Blaster slammed into her.

(Y/N): "oof, nice headbutt."

She was trying to get up but I had my Blaster fire. At that moment, I hear a whistling sound. I teleport slightly to the right, dodging the arrow with it hitting Emerald. Looks like she's down for the count. I turn to see Cinder and Mercury. Mercury had the same nervous look as before, but what amuses me the most was Cinders new wary expression.

Cinder: "So . . . You really are the Skeleton. Why would you be here at Vale?"

(Y/N): "Welp, the truth is I'm a new student at beacon." Cinder had a mixture of disgust and surprise written all over her face, with a sprinkle of fear. "Dun-dun-duuuun, the more you know. Considering that my reputation goes all the way to Salem, that says something. You should be afraid. I am a threat."

At this moment, Cinder puts her palm towards me. I knew what was going to happen. Just as the flames obscured me from their vision I summoned a Gaster Blaster to protect me. While it was charging, the flames disperse revealing a very surprised Cinder and Mercury.

(Y/N): "I ain't got time for this."

I fired the beam at Cinder, who dodged leaving Mercury vulnerable. In the end, it was just me and Cinder.

(Y/N): "So, what now?"

She frowned and shot an arrow at me. I casually dodged it.

(Y/N): "Heh, really? Is that- GUUUUHHH!"

I felt a sharp pain straight through my body. I look down to see an arrow got me. I turn around to see Emerald awake. Weirdly enough, it hurt, but not as much as I thought it would. But then I remembered . . . LOVE 50. Was that my result of my hard work. Heh, fantastic. I came up with a plan of revenge, my own little illusion. I clutched my wound and fell to my knees. Cinder approached me with a smile.

Cinder: "What a waste." She gently grabs my chin to make me look at her. I don't what she's doing, but I like it. "Mind as well enjoy you. I mean, you aren't going to live long."

She locks her lips with mine. From my years of murder, I have had a few experiences with women. I have been told I'm a good kisser. I indulge her with the kiss by returning it. Seems she forgot I was pierced by an arrow. After what feels like an hour, I raise a bone slowly and quietly where it can't be seen, broke it to make a shank. From the angle I was in I couldn't kill her fast enough, so I broke the kiss.

Cinder: "I have to say, you don't disappoint."

(Y/N): "Oh don't worry. I'm full of surprises."

She looks at me confused. I tackle her to the ground and raised my shank. As I was about to plunge it into her heart she desperately grabs my wrist.

(Y/N): "You shouldn't underestimate me, HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The Emerald girl was about to interfere, I summoned a Gaster Blaster which was on standby, but she didn't know. I had my Blaster guard me. I'm not strong, but I had the upper hand. I summoned a few bones into Cinder's stomach, as she screamed I said calmly.

(Y/N): "What a waste, mind as well enjoy."

I gave her a deep kiss as my shank plunged into her arm. Suddenly I feel a hard impact in my shoulder. I go flying.

Marduk: "We have to go, NOW!"

I was hurt, bad. As I was recovering, I see my targets limping away. Couldn't have that now. I grabbed Marduk with my telekinesis. Unfortunately, my telekinesis has a maximum effective range of 20 meters, after that it gets weaker. I grab a hold of Marduk and yank him towards me. He wouldn't move in any direction, so I used the Gaster Blaster to blast him. This weakens him and causes him to launch towards me.


He slams into a tree. His companions looked unsure, deciding whether to rescue him or leave him to his doom. They chose the latter. As they retreated, I summoned a small row of bones, severing Marduk's head. I took out my scroll and took a picture with his body and face. I went back and forth between chasing them or going back and taking a nap. Meh, too lazy. I called my Blaster and headed to Beacon.

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