Chapter 7: Dust to Dust

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WARNING: This chapter contains content that may be too much for certain individuals. Content includes rape and suicide. If you are one of these individuals, please skip the first paragraph as well as the one marked with these <.


<I opened the door. This reveals a faunus women being sodomized by two large bandits. My eyes went wide upon seeing this display. It was disgusting, I almost threw up.

Bandit 1: "Well look at this boys, we got a peeping Tom over here!"

I looked around the room. 8 bandits and a load of naked corpses both human and faunus. Three of the bandits approached me.

Bandit 2: "You lost kid?" He said with a disgusting smile.

Bandit 3: "Maybe the kid wants to be part of the collection."

Bandit 1: "I'll tell you what kid, you give me everything you have, clothes and all, and we'll treat ya real nice and right."

(Y/n): "Let her go . . ."

I wanted to kill them.

Bandit 1: "Ooohh, tough guy huh. Maybe we should teach the new toy who the real masters are."

Papyrus: "Lets kill them (y/n), we should make them suffer."

(Y/n): "Agreed"

Bandit 2: "Huh, that's a first. Usually they kick and scream before we take them."

(Y/n): "I said let her go!"


(Y/n): "I. SAID. LET. HER. GOOOO!"

The bandit raises his to hit me . . . but before he could . . .

Everything above the waist was obliterated. The other bandits stared in shock of a 12 year old instantly killing there friend. All the bandits except the two who were raping the faunus girl (who were currently trying to get pants on) charged at me with weapons. I didn't even care, I used whatever was behind me to obliterate them all except the two. They were all pathetic. The remaining two finally got dressed and started to run towards me, one of them was average but the other one was a cheetah faunus.

Cheetah bandit: "You son of a bitch!"

Bandit: "I'll kill you!"

I managed to blast the human, but the cheetah knew better than to hold still. He dodged the blast and was a foot away from me.

Cheetah bandit: "I gotcha!"

I put my hand up to his chest to summon the bones, but instead he covered in a blue tint and was slammed against the wall with force enough to crack the wood. Without removing the tint I walk up to the girl.

(Y/n): "You okay?" She looked at me crying, she was obviously in extreme pain. She had a broken jaw, not to mention what it must feel like on the other end. "Want me to kill him? Painfully?"

Cheetah bandit: "Whoa whoa kid, you don't need to do this. I'm just making a living here, please don't kill! PLEASE!"

The girl nodded at me. The bandits eyes went wide knowing what's to happen next. I saw a trough-like container near me. I threw him against the wall then shoved his head into the water. He of course tried his best to get out, but it was futile as his body grew weaker from the lack of oxygen. Eventually he stopped, I left his corpse in the water once I knew he was dead.

???: "Thank you. . ."

I turn to the girl, she had a gun to her head.

(Y/n): "Please don't."

???: "Please, look away.

(Y/n): "No, I can help you, just le-"

But it ended with a flash. I fell onto my knees and wept. She shouldn't have died, otherwise what was the point?!

Papyrus: "(y/n), there's more in the big building, lots more."

I got up and went towards the door, as I was walking I remembered the beam of light. I summoned whatever saved me.

It looked at me happy, I can sense that was pleased that I was safe

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It looked at me happy, I can sense that was pleased that I was safe. I snapped my fingers, it lowered itself and I got on top of it. It took a few tries but I eventually got it down. I rode on top of what I call a Gaster Blaster to what looks like a town hall. Before entered, I had to make sure of something, I snapped my fingers and two more blasters appeared. Of course it weighed on me slightly, but the payoff is worth it. I kick open the door to find a dining hall for a horde of bandits, just bandits. Maybe a 100 or so, doesn't matter. They all stopped their cheers noticing the blood on me. My blasters took their place on my side. Paps leaned on my shoulder with a smile and in turn, I smiled.

(Y/n): "Let the madness begin!"


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