Summer crush or worse?'28

Start from the beginning

He paused mid-step to look at me. "Hi." He finally said putting his foot down.

"Did you bring me to my bed?" I asked leaning against the door post. He nodded. "Thanks." I smiled.

He frowned at me. "Quinn, there's something I have to tell you." He sighed.

"Oh, good! You're both awake!" Sophie's voice chimed in. "Quinn, this is for you." She said handing me a pregnancy test. I panicked.

"Wait! What? I thought the test would be given at the end of the month?" I blurted out confused.

"Change of plans. This is the best test so if it comes up negative you should get down to business." She smiled at Stark before nudging me into his bedroom and shutting the door behind me. She locked it from the outside, literally trapping us in his room.

I turned around to find a very guilty looking Stark studying me. "You knew about this?" I asked with disbelief.

"I just found out this morning." He tried to sympathize with me.

"Whatever." I grumbled heading over to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and opened up the test. I felt completely awkward as I peed on the stick. Stark knocked on the door. "What?"

"Can I at least stay in there with you? I'd like to find out the exact moment that I'll become a father." He said. For some reason when he said the word 'father' I felt like a cluster of butterflies were fluttering in my stomach. I suddenly felt my face go very red.

"Uh, sure." I said pulling up my panties and turning my back so he couldn't see my face. I listened to his footsteps as he made his way to the bench across the room. We waited five tortuous minutes before Stark broke the silence.

"So have you decided on any names?" He asked casually.

I whirled around. "Um, not really. Why?" My eyebrows knit together.

"Well, I was thinking if it was a girl you could name her and if it was a boy I could name him." He suggested. My eyes widened.

"No!" I shook my head. "No way! I get to name the baby!" I fought.

"What?" He put down the soap bar his was paying attention to glare at me. "Why can't I name it if it's a boy?"

"Because it's coming out of my va.jay.jay! So I get to name him or her!" I complained.

"But it's still OUR baby! I have a say in his or her name!" He snapped.

"Well, I don't care! You'll probably be long gone by then!" I said.

"What?" His eyes squinted in confusion.

"We could get a divorce before the baby is born and I'll be out of your hair by then." I explained to him my unspoken plan.

"No! I want to be apart of my kids life." He protested.

"You don't have to. I know it's hard taking on the responsibility of a parent so you don't have to worry about it. I'm giving you a free pass." I focused on the floor.

"No, Quinn! You can't go on making life altering decisions like that. I want to take responsibility as a father and be with my child. I'll do whatever you want, but that kid deserves to grow up knowing his or her father." He said defensive. My stomach was twisting and turning throughout this entire conversation. At least he wanted something to do with the baby. When I didn't answer he broke the silence. "Is it done?" He asked eyeing the stick from where he sat.

I lifted up the stick to read it. "Not pregnant." I read it aloud. I held it up so he could check.

"Oh." He frowned. "You know what that means, right?" He asked guiltily. I nodded pulling my shirt over my head. His eyes lowered to my bare chest. He bent down and kissed me gently. This kiss so sweet. He touched me like I was fragile, like I was the most precious thing in the world, like he-like he loved me. I felt my eyes starting to water as I realized this. He shouldn't kiss me like this when he doesn't mean it. He shouldn't touch me like he loves me when we both know how angry we are at each other. I shoved him off of me. He stared at me confused for a moment. I hauled off my underwear.

"Can we just get down to business?" I asked defeated. He nodded unzipping his pants.

Stark's P.O.V

She really does hate me. She doesn't even want me to kiss her. She just wants to get the sex over with so I won't have to touch her again. I mean, she's literally so repulsed that she's crying. She doesn't even want me to be in our babies life. How could she say that to me? I stood in front of her more upset then anything else. I realized just how not in the mood I was. "W-what's wrong?" She cried.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I said. "It's just that-" She interrupted my explanation.

"Do you want me know?" She looked down at my boxers. I barely had a lump at the front of them. I couldn't deny that my body wanted her, but knowing that she didn't want me made me not want to push her.

Quinn's P.O.V

"Do you want me know?" I offered. He wasn't even hard. He doesn't even want me. I must be so disgusting to him. I pulled off his boxers. I figured the faster I get over with the sex, the faster I can get pregnant, and get away from all of this.

- - - - - *'* - - - - -

Stark was lying on top of me breathless once he finished. We were both on top of his bed sweating and sticky. He hid his face in my neck. He wasn't even kissing it with tender loving kisses. Suddenly the feel of being cheap crept into me again and made my eyes water up. He doesn't love me. This is just meaningless sex. I convinced myself. I shouldn't cry. I don't love him. I don't! I can't!

Stark's P.O.V

She started crying again as I laid on top of her resting. I was so tired I couldn't get myself to move. She hates me. She wouldn't let me touch her. She only let me wrap my hands around her hip while she shut her eyes and cried to herself. I felt horrible again. What if this all reminded her of that night with Josh? What if me having sex with her was rape in her eyes. Oh, God. I felt nauseous. I pulled out of her and climbed off of her. "Are you okay?" I whispered. She nodded wiping her eyes.

"Are you done?" She asked her voice hoarse.

"Yeah." I frowned. She got up and hurried into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her.

Quinn's P.O.V

I dashed into the bathroom only to fall on the floor and cry. I felt so dirty. I crawled to the shower barely managing to turn on the water. I let the water fall on me while I cried my eyes out.

hope you guys liked it! tell me what you think!

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