Snow - Prinxiety

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TW: you

platonic or romantic, your choice

it's snowing here. it doesn't snow. ever.

this is a vent chapter, everything Virgil/I describes is how i feel at the moment <3

Virgil sat in the Imagination, snow falling on his hair and jacket. The wind blew from time to time, making it colder than what he managed to get comfortable with, but he didn't care. He stared at the falling snowflakes, a small smile forming on his lips. He sighed and relaxed his shoulders. He was finally relaxed.

The way the white snowflakes fall from the sky and dance their way to the ground is relaxing. He watched at them fall together, decorating the trees and grass. Something about how they twirl makes him feel better, like nothing can go wrong. The way the snow decorated the sky makes him happy.

"Aren't you cold?" A voice said from behind him. He turned his head and looked at the creative side, "Not really," Virgil responded quietly, going back to watch the snow.

Roman day next to him, he had a large fluffy coat on with a red and white scarf. "You should put some clothes on when you come out here. You can get sick." Roman told him, but he seemed to not care. "That's alright."

Roman knew Virgil was acting weird. But as long as he had that smile on his face, Roman was happy. "What made you come out here, Emo Nightmare?"

"The snow."

"What about the snow?"

Virgil looked at him, thinking before answering.

"The way it falls. Carefree and relaxed. It's like the snows goal is to hit the ground and nothing more. I like when they twirl, makes them look excited and happy to almost be on the ground. Just, relaxing." Virgil explained. He adored the snow, he wishes he can be like it. Carefree.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. It is quit relaxing, isn't it?" Virgil nodded at that and they sat together, cold and relaxed. Nothing could ruin this moment.

The only bad part was the fact that they got sick the next day.

mmm no. this sucks, don't read it.

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