No Shadow, No Sun - No Ship

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TW: Crying, Mentions of Shadows Whispering, Darkness

"There is no shadow where there shines no sun" - Hilair Belloc

Roman walked through the imagination, having planned to relax a little bit. As he walked, the princely side sung many tunes and danced with the animals he conjured up.

But something felt off about the woods he had entered. The trees had no leaves and they were dull in color, the ground was covered in dirt, mud and the occasional animal bones. The clouds were grey and stormy.

But that's not what set Roman off.

What made him nervous was the soft whispers in his ear and the shadows he saw in the corner of his eye. Terrified, Roman drew his sword, keeping a firm grip on it.

"There is no shadow where there shines no sun."

The creative side whipped around, his sword held out in front of him as he expected to see someone there.

But no one was.

With a shaky sigh, he continued his walk. The deeper he went into the woods, the darker it got. Shadows seemed to appear more often and the voices were so close yet so far. So loud yet so quiet.

"There is no shadow where there shines no sun."

Roman circled around, his breathing now heavy and anxious. "Who...Who are you?" he called out, only to get silence in return.

Gulping, he continued on his way.

He wasn't sure where he was going or why he kept going deeper, but something seemed to pull him in. As if his legs were possessed.

Roman felt a hand tap his shoulder, but when he turned around, nothing was there. Confused, he looked around. Seeing no one ran a chill up his spine.

Time passed and Roman was in tears. He couldn't see his own hand in front of his face and the shadows surrounded him. He covered his ears in a desperate attempt to get away, hoping the shadows and whispers would go away.

But they only grew louder.

He was in danger and he didn't know what to do.

The side felt hands touching him. Touching his legs, arms and face. Anywhere they could reach, the shadows touched. Their hands were cold and they stung.

"There is no shadow where there shines no sun."

Crying out, Roman ran as fast as he could the opposite direction. He was desperate to get back to his side of the imagination. He needed light, he needed warmth, he needed something.

As if his prayers were answered, he saw his way out. Frantically wiping his tears, he ran towards it, ignoring the shadows and whispers in his ear.

"There is no shadow where there shines no sun."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Roman yelled loudly, somehow running faster than before. Dodging trees and branches, the flamboyant side finally made it out.

He sobbed and ran until he was safe in his room, safe with the others. He was safe and the only thing he could do was cry.

But he was safe.

"There is no shadow where there shines no sun."


this was terrible, i'm so sorry

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