More And More

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TW: Crying, Shaking, Refusing Help, Mention of Emotional Pain, hehe

Patton stood, facing the eyeshadow wearing side. His lip quivered and his body trembled, yet he held a watery smile.

"Talk to me, Dad. Please. I'm here."

Virgil reached out to rest his hand on the others shoulder, only to be stopped by the slight flinch coming from the usually bubbly persona.

Patton took in a sharp breath, unable to hold the desperate grin plastered weakly on his lips.

"It's hurts...everyday, it's hurts. More and more." he finally spoke, his voice coming as quiet and weak. Cracked and choked.

Virgil watched in sorrow, "I know, Pat. I know. We'll get you through this, I promise. I'll help you."

The bright blue trait shook his head, bringing a hand to his mouth to stop his sobs as tears flowed down his cheeks. "You can't help me, Virge. I'm sorry...I truly am sorry."

"Patton, it's not too late. It's never too late."

Said side sniffled and laughed slightly.

"It's too late for me, kiddo."

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