Abandon - Anxciet

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TW: Crying, Abandonment

i found this little prompt thing for the spooky szn. so let's start out with angst, shall we?

my original idea was to do the twins and when they split, but i'm saving that for another time.

"I'm leaving."

"You're what?"

"Leaving. I'm leaving. I'm sick and tired of being mistreated here! I'm done! I'm over it!"

Deceit sat, shocked. He looked at the man in front of him, his eyeshadow covered eyes glaring straight daggers into him. "But-" he tried, only to be interrupted.

"But nothing, Deceit. I'm not happy here. None of us are. Just...Just let me go." The other said, his voice no longer angry, but exhausted and careful.

Deceit couldn't believe what he was hearing. He tried so hard to give Virgil the life he so desperately wanted with the tools he had. He tried to give him birthday parties, he reminded Virgil just how important he was to Thomas. To him.

"Virgil, please-"

"No. I can't. I can't stay here." Virgil said, not daring look into the others eyes. With a final sigh, he turned his back and walked out, a duffel bag on his shoulder.

Deceit watched him, unable to move, unable to do anything really. He hadn't expected this. He thought Virgil was happy, or as happy as a "dark side" could be.

Deflating, the fedora wearing side looked down in sadness. His eyes glazed over with salty tears. "I'm sorry." he whispered, unable to find his voice.

He felt...alone. He was alone. Nobody else cared to make friends or come out of their rooms really. He was alone and he couldn't handle it.

He couldn't.

it's short and it sucks, but it's fine lmao

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