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TW: Crying, Insulting, Numbness, Suicide, teehee my ballsack

Logan use to be passionate. He adored talking about the space or the ocean. He'd even be mistaken for being morality at times. But things changed. Slowly, but surely.

It started when the others refused to listen to his input, interrupting him or simply disregarding his comments. He became self conscious with what he said. He didn't ramble about stars or books as much anymore.

Then, things began getting worse.

It was Virgil's comment that really got to him. "You're the least popular character and you know it." He couldn't figure out why, though. He was never good at emotions anyway.

Deciding to keep it to himself, Logan stopped talking about his interests all together. He stopped adding unnecessary comments into the conversation. Only speaking when need be.

Slowly, he lost his passion. What once could make him research for hours, simply becoming an afterthought. His hobby now just sitting at his desk, staring off into space. Piles of work in front of him.

Then came Deceits comment. "Logan! Everyone's favorite character!"

His hopes were up, way too high. He knew that. He should have seen it coming. He should have known.

But he didn't.

So gullible.

So naive.

How could he not have noticed?

Logan locked himself in his room hours on end, forgetting to eat sometimes. He knew it wasn't healthy. He knew. So, why didn't he stop?

Why didn't he stop?

Logan's heart shattered when Thomas went on to say he was his least favorite. He was the only thing keeping him going. His only source of hope being Thomas' validation.

Until it wasn't.

He cried. He cried for hours, days even. The teacher side couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't be numb forever. Nobody could. It's impossible.


The logical trait tried, of course he did. He tried his hardest to feel nothing. He was desperate to feel nothing.

Walking down the hall, he held a key. A key only he and Patton possessed. It was a dangerous key to a dangerous door. Yet, he was walking right to it.

Reaching the chipped white door, he stared at the knob. Reconsidering. The golden key gripped tightly in his hand, he shook.


Stop shaking.

Pushing the key into the lock, Logan twisted the doorknob, successfully opening the door. Looking into the black abyss, he felt sense of...peace.

God, was it relieving.

With a tired sigh and a small, tired smile, he walked in.

Into the subconscious.

Into his well deserved rest.

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