13th - LAMP

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TW: None bitch (swearing)

My favorite day of July.

(Dark prince symbol above. You may need it for the story)

Roman, Patton and Logan were sitting on the coach, cuddling. Virgil was in his room, doing god knows what. They tried to get him to come, but he told them 'in a minute'. It's been 3 hours.

"Should we go check on him? He's been in there for hours!" Patton spoke up, worried but not surprised. "I went up there last time! It's Logan's turn!" Roman said, looking at Logan who gave an annoyed look at the creative side. "Fine."

Logan got up and walked upstairs to the dark ones room. He knocked a couple times before saying "Virgil? Are our alright?" "Yeah I'm fine! Just give me a minute!" He replied, his response was muffled due to the door blocking his voice.

"You said that 3 hours ago!"

"...it's been 3 hour?"

"Come on, Virgil! What are you even doing in there!" Logan questioned, starting to get agitated. "Uhhhh, nothing!" Virgil spoke, his voice telling Logan something completely different from what he said.

"Whatever." Logan gave up and walked back to the others.

~ Time Skip ~

After a few more hours, Virgil finally came out and into the living room, holding 3 hoodies behind his back. "Hey guys!" Virgil greeted the others, "Hey Kitten," they all greeted back. "What's that behind your back?" Roman asked, "oh, um...I made something for you guys..since it's Friday the 13th and all," he nervously laughed.

"Awe uh didn't have to-" Patton started, but Virgil cut him off by showing them 3 hoodies, all stitched and dark.

The first one was all black, like Virgil's hoodie, stitched with white string (I don't know anything about this so...don't come at me) and the pattern was a medium to light blue with black hearts. It was over sized like Virgils.

The second one was also a black hoodie. Stitched with, again, white string. The pattern was blood red and had the black symbol of a dark prince. Over sized but not too much.

The last one was al black as well. Stitched with white string, again. The pattern was a dark blue, almost black looking color with broken glasses. Fit perfectly, Logan likes it that way.

They all stared at the freshly stitched hoodies in awe. "Those look amazing!" Patton exclaimed, running to Virgil and giving him a hug. "Those look magnificent, Virgil!" Roman said, walking over and hugging Virgil from behind. "Well done," Logan said, slowly making his way to Virgil, planting a kiss to his nose.

They all tried the hoodies on and loved them.

After, they made a cuddle pile on the coach while watching some Tim Burton movies.

This was one of the days where Virgil actually felt relaxed.

He loved his boyfriends. A lot,

But, god were those hoodies hard to make!

Lol I hate this.

Not proud of it..at all.

And I am working on the others angst - song things so, prepare yourself for

Nothing, because they're gonna suck.

Happy Friday the 13th! (?)


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