King - Prinxiety

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TW: Mentions of Suicide, Suicidal Actions, Depression, Insecurity, pp

i've wanted to do this for a while now. i'll be sure to get another Deviant chapter out, promise.

He felt numb, the tips of his fingers felt cold. His eyes drooped from lack of sleep and his hair was disheveled. But he didn't care, all he cared about was what he was about to do.

Roman stood in the imagination, standing at the end he of a cliff, looking down at the crashing waved and slightly pointed rocks. He was ready, he'd be replaced, he'd finally be free from the thoughts that plague his mind.

Romans tiny smile only grew.

This was it.

Just as Roman was about to take his final step, he heard a voice. It was deep, calm and afraid.

"Don't go."

Those words were enough to make Roman cry, but he didn't, he couldn't. "And why shouldn't I? There's nothing left for me here," He replied to the voice behind him, he could feel their eyes burning into his skull. Not pleasant.

"You have a lot to live for actually." They spoke,  voice certain. Roman sighed, nothing will be able to stop him, not even Virgil.

He turned around to face said side. He took a good look at him. His hair was just as messy as Romans was, his eyes red and puffy, tear streaks mixed with eyeshadow covered his face. Fresh tears trapped in his eyes. He was a mess.

All because of Roman.

"If you leave, I'll go with you."

Roman smiles, walking closer to the boy. He took off the crown he wore when he stepped into the imagination and gave it to Virgil, "You should keep this. You deserve it more than I do." Virgil looked at him, panic filled his eyes.

Before Roman could turn away, his wrist was captured by Virgils fingers tightly.

"You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
Glass half empty, glass half full
Well either way you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings not your flaws"

Virgil looked up at Roman, hope fillies his eyes as he sang. Roman looked back, he wasn't sure what he was feeling, but it was new.

"You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again"

Virgil tried to give Roman his crown back, but he refused, pushing the crown back into Virgil's hand, getting ready to walk back up to the edge. All he wanted was peace and quiet, but if he has an audience, so be it.

"You don't get what all this is about
You're too wrapped up in your self doubt
You've got that young blood, set it free"

But Virgil wouldn't let go, his grip tightened with every move Roman made. He wasn't going to let him go, it wasn't his time.

"You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king"

The tears Virgil battles were beginning to fall, he was angry, sad, panicked, anxious. He was all over the place. He's never been in this situation before, so why now? Why him?

"There's method in my madness
There's no logic in your sadness
You don't gain a single thing from misery
Take it from me"

Virgil smiled sadly at Roman. He didn't know exactly how he felt, but he knew what this feeling was. Roman wasn't having any of this, he just wanted to leave!

"You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king"

Roman looked at Virgil with pleading eyes, begging him to let him go. He needed this. But Virgil, being the stubborn bastard that he is, refused. He wasn't going to let his bestfriend go over that cliff.

"You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again"

Virgil sang like his life depended on it. Romans life depended on it. If he couldn't convince him with words, maybe he could convince him with a song.

Tears streamed down both of their faces. Virgil grip was still as tight as ever.

Roman closed his eyes.

And sobbed.

His knees buckled underneath him, sending him to the ground, Virgil following him. He held Roman close, Shuffling away from the edge as Roman cried into his shoulder.

"I'm so stupid!"

"No, no you're not, Roman! You have every right to feel this way. You over work yourself, you're not perfect. You're normal, and sometimes normal is okay." Virgil said, hugging Roman tighter.

Eventually, Roman stopped crying and was limp in Virgil's arms, fast asleep. He needed it.

Virgil smiled at the prince. His prince. He wasn't letting him leave, not anytime soon. Virgil looked at the crown next to him, picking it up and placing it on top of the sleeping sides head.

Today wasn't his day.

w o w

this sucked a lot of ass. oops.

okay, i'm going to bed. night.

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