Soon - Brotherly Analogical

890 43 9

TW: Child Abuse, Abusive Parent, Mention of Alcohol, Physical Abuse, Crying, Panic Attack, Claustrophobia, Small Space, Locking of Child in Small Space, Mentions of Swearing, Angst

Things aren't the best for 15 year old Virgil and 5 year old Logan Reed. Their father being an aggressive alcoholic never gave the two a break.

He always complained or got angry over small situations.

It had been a stormy night, Logan having gone out in secret to satisfy his growing curiosity with the weather. Unfortunately he was caught.

And the consequences were absolutely horrific.

Beat and bruised, the child was locked in the cupboard located in the kitchen. It was dark and the space was small. Not ideal for a claustrophobic, very imaginative child.

Virgil, coming home from a friends house, got his own beating for his wet shoes. The teen being left with a busted lip and a bruised eye.

After their father retreated to his room with a slam of the door, Virgil went off to find his younger brother. Said boy shaking as he hugged his knees, unable to find a way out of the dark space. His vision blurred by tears and his breathing shallow.


With hearing the familiar low voice of his older brother, the 5 year old felt a wave of hope as he knocked on the wooden door. "Vv?" he called out once able to find his own voice.

Virgil looked at the cupboard, a lock closing the source of the sound in. Falling to his knees, the older quickly tried to find a way to get the other out. "Lo? L? Hey, it's me. It's me, are you okay?"

"Can't breathe, V..."

As he pulled at the lock in an attempt to break it, Virgil reassured him. "I know, I know. Focus on the sound of my voice, okay? Can you do the breathing exercises I taught you, little one?"

Logan bit his lip, wiping his nose. "I-I can try." he responded before following Virgil's counting.

Said teen grew increasingly more frantic as he couldn't get the lock to budge. Standing up, Virgil cursed and pulled at his hair in desperate need of an idea.

"Virgil- Vv, dont leave me! Don't leave me in here!"

"Hey! Hey, Lo, calm down, i'm still here. I'm sorry, keep breathing. Just... just get as far into the left corner as you can and cover your face. Can you do that for me, sweetie?"

Doing as he was told, Logan covered his face. Not expecting a loud bang, causing him to flinch.

Virgil frantically kicked at the door of the cupboard, his own breath growing shallow. He kicked as hard as he could, not caring about the definite bruising to his foot as the wooden door began to crack.


Once his foot broke through, the teen sighed in relief and managed to make a hole big enough for Logan to crawl out of. Once he did, Virgil picked him up and took him to his room and locked the door behind him.

Logan stood in his own little bubble, letting his older brother get him through the exercise until he was calm enough.

Running into his arms, the small boy sobbed into his brothers chest, the feeling of firm, protective and loving arms holding him close to the warmth of the other overwhelming the child. Yet he made no move to let go.

Virgil knew they needed to get away. He knew they would be better off on their own.

Soon, he thought. Soon.

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