Candy Store - Momus/Intruality

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TW: Remus, Deceit, big boobs

thank you for the request @its-ya-boi-Draco !

Patton smiled at his only son, Devan. The two go shopping at the mall for his seventh birthday.

Devan bounced excitedly in his seat, grinning from ear to ear. "Papa, can we go to the candy shop? Please, please, please?!"

The single father chuckled, parking in the malls parking lot. "Depends, will you be a good boy and not run off?"

The small child nodded quickly, "Uh-huh! Promise!"

Patton got out if the car and held Devans hand as the walked.

Hours later, the small family went to the candy shop. Patton following his son around.

Not seeing another child walk in from of him, he dodged the child, slightly tripping over himself and bumping into another stranger.

Patton turned around and began his apology. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm clumsy." he laughed slightly nervously.

Looking over his shoulder, he found Devan walking towards the snake-shaped candies, "Decan, honey, wait for Papa, okay?"

The child turned around and sighed but nodded and went back to his father.

Turning back towards the stranger, Parton managed to get a good look at them. A faint blush spread across his face. "Uh, I'm Patton." he smiled.

The man in from of him scanned Patton's face, smiling after a moment. "Remus."

The two males stared at one another, both getting lost in each other a eyes.

Devan tugged on Patton's hand after a moment, growing impatient. The man also had an impatient guest with him. What seemed to be his twin, the man behind Remus kept groaning and trying to get his attention.

The bubbly man glanced at his son, "One moment, sweetie." he smiled, "Uh, sorry again. I guess I didn't see ya." he laughed.

Remus smiled at the sound, " It's perfectly fine. Patton was it? Are you seeing anyone?"

The man in question blushed profusely, "Not at the moment no."

"Well, then if you're interested, today may be your lucky day."

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