Deviant (pt. 3) - Royality

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first of all, thank you so fucking much for the art, it's amazing and you are very talented premium_garbage ! Go check out their book 'Sander Sides Oneshots'. (They also have other books that you should check out as well).

Also, this isn't necessarily a ship chapter? it's more of a "hey, if you help me, i'll help you" kind of thing? also, Thomas is Lieutenant, i just haven't said his name yet lol.

"Patton. Patton. Patton!" Said android shot up from his previous position, looking around for danger. "Whoa, calm down there buddy. We're fine, I was just bored," Talyn smiled apologetically. Patton smiled back, glad they were safe, for now.

They decided to leave their spot and move on. Patton found some glasses that were left on the table of a restaurant. They were able to get it because Talyn told them that Patton was their android. After Talyn ate, they began their journey. "Where are we going?" The child spoke, curious and worried. Patton looked down at them reassuringly, "I'm not sure, but it will be somewhere safe, I promise."

~ Time Skip ~

After a while of walking, they eventually found an alley way they can sleep in. The sun was going down and Talyn's feet were hurting. Eventually, they fell asleep. Patton stayed awake, just in case anyone found them.

A few hours into the night, foot steps began to get closer to them. Patton was on high alert, meaning his senses were over working. The footsteps were at least a mile away, meaning they had time to hide. So as the footsteps began to get closer, Patton grabbed Talyn, waking them up, and he ran behind the dumpster.

When the person showed themselves, Patton was shocked. It wasn't a person, it was an android! He looked severely damaged, his arm didn't match his other one, meaning he came from the dump. His 'real' skin was showing and sparks flew from his back. Patton wanted to help him, but he couldn't trust anybody.

"God damnit, just work!" The android said, looking as if he was trying to regenerate his skin. His LED lit red, meaning he was distressed. Patton felt bad, which scared him. He doesn't feel. He's an android for heavens sake!

The broken android walked into the alleyway, sitting down and sighing. Patton pushes Talyn closer to the wall, telling them to stay there.

"Um, hello?" Patton said, waving a small bit. The android jumped, looking at Patton with scared eyes. He quickly stood up, beginning to back away. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise! I can help you with your skin, there's just a few small kinks going on with your system." Patton reassured.

The android was hesitant, but he let Patton help him.

"Alright, cool! I'm gonna need to open you up in order to fix it, is that okay?" The android nodded. Patton smiled and began to work on him. (y'all shut up, i didn't have another way to word it-)

After He was finished, The android covered his real skin. He smiled at Patton, of course Patton smiled back. "What's your name?" He asked the now fixed android. "Roman." He answered, smile still on his face. "Well, Roman, maybe you can help us find a place to stay?"

Virgil walked around the city, his head hanged low and posture terrible. He looked like a drug dealer to strangers. All he wanted was a place to stay and a way out of this mess. But, instead he gets his jacket as a blanket and his situation only growing worse.

He should just turn himself in. Dying would be better than sleeping with rats. As Virgil made his was down the street, he was spotted. Two cops saw a glimpse of his face and began to walk towards him. Virgil panicked, what was he going to do? Fight? Run?


And so Virgil began to move his legs faster. The cops began to shout for him to "Freeze" and "Stop." He, of course, didn't listen. He wasn't about to be destroyed for defending himself. The guy deserved it, he was a druggie and horn dog. Life was something he did not deserve to have.

He was trying to lose them, turning and risking his life to get away. Running across busy roads and running through construction. Luckily, the cops had terrible aim when using their guns. If he kept running, they'd eventually get tired and stop chasing him. Yeah, Yeah he'll keep running.

Fortunately his plan worked. They gave up and went back to the station. Virgil sighed in relief. He was safe.

"Hey Tin Can! Why don't you get me some water will yuh?" Tyler, another investigator, called out. He didn't like androids very much. "Sure thing," Logan obeyed. Sure, he didn't want to, but his programming didn't care about what he wanted. He had to listen, otherwise Amanda would feel betrayed and possibility deactivate him.

That would not be ideal.

Logan walked over to Tyler, handing his cup of water to him. Tyler scoffed, "Thats what I thought, asshat." Logan stood there, blank expression on his face. Tyler snatches the water from his hands and left. Logan returned back to his work.

"We have a murder case. 16 year old Jenna Kimberly. Murdered by an android, 28 stab wounds. The android was hers, it was an IX700 model, used for gardening and outside work," the Lieutenant explained. Logan nodded his head and stood up, beginning his journey to the murder scene.

Once there, they inspected the scene. The girl was murdered in the kitchen where the back door is. She was doing dishes when all of a sudden the android came inside with the shovel. It hit her on top of the head, instantly killing her. But the android didn't stop there. It stabbed her 28 times. It was angry.

The android then dropped the shovel and ran away. No blue blood.

Logan tells the Lieutenant what he reconstructed and they worked to find out why this ad roof did what it did. "Maybe it was done being ordered around and became deviant?" The Lieutenant suggested, Logan nodded, taking in the information. "You might be right. I think he was angry with her. Maybe she sassed him when he didn't do the thing she asked right away."

The Lieutenant looked at Logan weirdly, "Him?" Logan looked up, noticing his mistake. "I meant 'It.' Don't think too much into it," He quickly explained, walking away from his partner.

What was going on with him?!



so, thank you so much for the art! it looks so good and omg-

i feel like one of those big writers.

anywho, this was longer than what i usually do, took me a few hours but i got it done. really bad and kinda of boring. but, you know. oh well.

Roman and Patton found eachother. So, we're getting somewhere.

alright, see ya!

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