Please, Stay - (Royality)

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Triggers: Crying, Gay shit, Thomas the dank engine, My writing, and...angst ( Pengi11 you're welcome)

Everyone has thoughts. Good or bad. Everyone experiences sadness. Everyone. The heart isn't always happy you know. Sometimes, the heart breaks. Badly. It's not uncommon either.

Patton, The Dad, Morality, The Heart. The bubbly, happy side who everyone loves. Even Deceit!

But, Patton isn't who he acts to be. He's broken. He's not happy. He's depressed. He feels unwanted. Annoying. Disgusting. Stupid. He doesn't feel how he should feel.

Patton is currently crying in his room. Trying, ever so desperately, to stop. His face is hidden in the comfort of his pillow, muffling is cries for help. Damn pillow. Nobody likes me. I'm annoying! Why the fuck do I have to be alive?! These thoughts fill his brain and make him cry harder.

He eventually gets up and slowly walks to the dark corner of his room. The corner that's calling him over. Come...We can make you feel better...We promise. Promise...the word that everyone takes for granted. The word that is meant to be truthful.

But it's all lies.

All of it.

He walks over to the dark corner, wanting everything to stop. As he got closer, he began to scratch at us arms, trying to focus the pain on something else. Distracting himself from these thoughts. He will never love you. Never.

"never," he repeats, voice quiet and shaky.

After a few minutes of scratching and whispering, his skin breaks. Red trickles down his arm. He smiles.

Patton begins to laugh quietly to himself. Then, it becomes loud. Hysterical. Crazy. He begins to rock himself back and forth, pulling at his hair, creating a mess. His glasses were on the floor, broken.

Roman was taking a little walk around the mind palace. He finds the door he was looking for so, like any other normal person or side in this case, he knocks. No answer. He tries again.

The door flies open to reveal Virgil. "What," he says, clearly annoyed by the fanciful side knocking on his door. "What are you doing?" "And you want to know why?" "Because" he pushes, trying to make Virgil mad.

"I hate you"

"Love you too!" Roman said, skipping away from the dark sides door. As he was skipping, he heard the annoyed groan of Virgil and a door slamming. Success.

As he was waking, he heard an unusual sound. Kind of like a hurt dog whimpering. The curiosity in his mind won and he went to investigate. When he reached a door, he was surprised.


The crying soon turned into laughter which turned into crazed laughter. His curiosity was replaced with worry. He attempted to open the door, which was locked.

The crying started again.

He didn't know what came over him, but he started to ram the door. Trying desperately to get it open. "Patton!" He yelled, trying to get the older side attention, which didn't work. At all.


After many tries, he finally got the door to break of off its hinges. What he saw was heart breaking.

Patton, blood, tears, broken glass surrounded him. His room losing color along with his face. Patton was staring right back at Roman, shocked to see him.

"P-Patton.." he whispered.
Said side began to choke on his sobs. Roman rushes to his aid, conjuring up a First-Aid kit. "Patton. W-What happened?"

No response.

Roman stayed silent as he cleaned the once bubbly side up. After he was done, he picked him up and took him to his room. He made sure nobody was watching as he made his way to his room. Patton was happy and thankful that Roman, his crush, helped him. But, he also felt guilty.

When they got to Roman's room, he placed Patton on his bed and tucked him in like a mother would a child. "I'll deal with the mess, you get some sleep," Roman smiled.

Before he could walk out to go clean, Patton grabbed the ends of his sleeve. "Please, stay" He croaked. The fanciful side gave him a sad small smile and crawled over behind Patton.

He didn't know what to do so he just laid there, until Patton had other thoughts.

He wrapped his bandages up arms slightly wincing at the uncomfortableness of his scratches around Romans chest, snuggling into it.

Roman smiled and wrapped his arms protectively around Patton, wanting nothing to hurt him.

"I love you, Pat"

Patton smiled a genuine smile for the first time in years.

"I love you too."

Okay lol
Sorry, bad ending and this was kinda rushed. Eh... I tried..


Depressed Patton...nice one Author...nice one..



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