May I See You Again? - Analogical

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TW: Swearing, joshler on the trending page lmao (only a few will a get this. god i hope a few will get this.)

uhhh, happy 2020 and shiz. make this year your bitch, bitch.

Virgil strolled down the sidewalk, his hands in his pockets of his hoodie in an attempt to make himself seem invisible. He wasn't sure as to why he wanted to be unnoticed, but he did. And quite frankly, he didn't give a shit.

The tall, slender man kept his head down, bobbing it to the music playing from his right earphone, the other dangling from his shirt. Usually he would be much more alert, but today was different. He felt... better.

It was a rare sight to see Virgil so relaxed, but that doesn't mean he couldn't be. He was stress free and boy did he love it.

Taking long strides, he wasn't focused on much of anything. The music in his ear and his destination, really. Which would explain why he had bumped into someone.

Papers flew to the ground, Virgil immediately on his knees to pick them up in a panic. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! I didn't see you and I just wasn't paying attention, I'm really sorry-"

"It is quite alright."

The voice that had interrupted his hurried apology was soft and light. It wasn't angry or loud like Virgil had expected. Apologetic almost.

The owner of the voice bent down to help pick up the rest of the papers, straightening them out. "I do believe I wasn't paying much attention either. Thank you for helping with my papers." they said, a sheepish look on their face.

Virgil finally looked up, only to be met with the most bluest eyes framed by thick black glasses. His breathing hitched only momentarily before he remembered where he was and what he was doing.

The anxious man handed the other the stack of papers, clearing his throat. "Uh, yeah, no problem. I'm Virgil by the way."

"Logan. I must say, you have a very... interesting fashion choice, Virgil." The person- Logan -commented, their eyes filled with interest and their lips formed into a tiny smile.

Virgil flushed at the words, cursing himself for it. "I don't suppose that's a good thing."

"I never said it wasn't."

The two sat, kneeling on the concrete while studying the other. Logan, finally breaking from the small trance they had put themself in, looked around and stuffed their papers in their bag before giving Virgil their attention once again. "I have a question for you."

The taller nodded, standing up just as the other did. "Shoot."

"May I see you again?"

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