Silent - Loceit (???)

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TW: Breaking Down, Crying, Pulling Of Hair, Shaking, Not Talking For Months, Deceit Manipulating, my ded ass.

This doesn't have a happy ending, sksk

Logan hasn't talked in months. Months of listening and being on the sidelines. The reason he decided to stop talking was simple. He wasn't listened to. Every time Logan would try and help or give his opinion, he was talked over or brushed aside. If they thought his opinion didn't matter, then they won't get it.

They hadn't noticed yet. Nobody has. All he wants is to feel listened to and taken seriously. Not seen as a joke. He wasn't a joke. No, he was important and needed, he just wasn't wanted.

Logan would stay in his room days on end. Nobody would call him for dinner or check on him. No, it's like they forgot he existed, like they forgot he was there. He would always think about going to the Dark Sides side of the mind. They seemed as though they understood. But they would only tease him. Like everyone else.

Currently, Logan was sat on his floor, staring at the wall with his knees pulled to his chest. He hasn't cried yet, he was practicing. Practicing for the next time he would need to keep it all in. Show no emotion. So far he's made it longer than expected. Good.

But all good things come to an end, right? Right.

Silent tears fell from behind his thick frames. He didn't make a move to wipe them, instead glaring at the navy blue colored wall. He sniffled, feeling more tears fall down his face.

It only got worse from there.

Logan's hands shook as he brought them to his messy hair and began pulling at it. He needed to feel something, anything but this. He tried to stay silent, oh how hard he tried. But he couldn't do it. Logan sobbed into his knees quite loudly, his hands still pulling harshly.

He needed to scream, but he knew that would alert the others. He couldn't let them see him like this. That wouldn't help his case much, now would it? They would just tease him, tell him he's a weak cry baby. They're not wrong, but it still hurts.

Logan felt hands snake around his torso, legs either side of his ball like form. "Hush now, Logan. We don't want them to find you, now do we?" Deceit whispered into his ear, smirking mischievously.

Logan shook his head, not making any effort to quiet himself. "You know they don't listen to you because what you have to say is unimportant, right? You're smart enough to realize this, aren't you? Or are you really that oblivious?" He murmured, holding Logan tightly.

He only sobbed harder. "You may be needed, but nobody wants you around. You're boring and too literal."

Logan made a weak attempt to get away, but Deceit wasn't having that. He laughed and only tightened his hold slightly. "You're weak, Logan. You're better off not speaking forever. You're better off keeping your emotions to yourself. They're illogical, they defeat the whole purpose of...well, you." He spat.

Logan didn't do anything, he couldn't. All he could do was sob. "Come to our side. Let us show you how important you really are. We'll listen to you, Logan. We'll listen to you."

The logical side looked back at him, scanning his face. "Promise?" He asked, his voice broken and hoarse. The first words he had said in months.


hehe bitch

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