Blizzard - (L.A.M.P)

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Triggers: None (unless you count my writing)

Patton, Logan, Roman and Virgil were watching the news. A blizzard was coming in. Patton was excited, Roman was fairly excited, Logan was....Logan and Virgil was anxious, as always.

Roman was sitting on the left side of the coach by the arm rest. His arm resting on Virgil's leg who was laying on top of everyone. Logan was in the middle with his head on Romans shoulder and his hands holding Virgil's. Patton was on the right side, his head on Logan's shoulder and his hand playing with Virgil's hair.

The warmth coming from their bodies and love was calming and relaxing. Almost making them forget about the incoming storm. Of course, Virgil couldn't get it out of his head. "Pat?" He asked. Patton hummed in response, eyes focused on Virgil's.

"Do you think the storm will make the power go out?" Virgil asked, eyes filled with worry. "Who knows. If the blizzard wants to be cold hearted than let it be!" (That...was....I'm sorry) he responds with. Virgil chuckled and said a small "I love you" turning back to the tv.

About a few hours later, the storm started. Anxiety was pacing anxiously while the other 3 were trying to get him to calm down and relax. "Just sit down! It'll all be okay! Look, the storm isn't even that bad yet!" Princey said, trying to convince the other. "But it will get bad and the power will go out, causing the food to go bad and we all die!" He said, paces becoming longer and fingers tapping is leg as he walked.

"Actually, That is not possible. It's takes a long time for food to go bad, Anxiety," the logical side said. "The power could go out for a long time Logan!" He snapped, clearly worried. "Just sit down and relax! We'll be okay! Look, I can make tea and cookies and we'll be alright!" Patton tried.

"If we do that, then we could all die Patton!" Virgil yelled, breathing becoming uneven and hands slightly shaking. The others looked at each other with concerned eyes.

Then the worst thing happened.

The power went out.

Virgil screamed a small, frightening scream. He dropped on his bottom and pulled his knees up to his chest, doing the breathing exercise he taught Thomas. Roman conjured a flashlight and pointed it in the direction of Virgil. His small frame shaking and his eyes widened, frantically looking everywhere.

Patton was the first to run to him, attempting to calm him down. "It's okay buddy. Look, you're okay!" He said, using his calm dad voice. The other two realized what was happening and ran to help Patton. "Listen to my voice, Virgil. You're okay! Nothing is going to happen to you!" Patton tried again.

But Anxietys' mind told him otherwise.
This is it. You're going to die!
You're going die.
You're going to fucking die!
These thoughts didn't help his current state. His vision was blurry (face) and his small frame was shaking violently.

Paton put Virgil's hand on his heart, trying to get him to match the beat, Roman was stroking the shaking sides hair and Logan was holding the dark side. Until he did want physical contact.

no touch
No Touch

Virgil was struggling to get out of the grip that all had on him. His head on Romans chest, his hand on Pattons chest, and his body against Logan's. "no touch" he said, trying and failing multiple times to get away. "What was that?" Roman asked. " touch.....notouchnotouchNoTouchNotouchNOT-TOUCH!" He screamed, desperately reaching towards a spot with no people.

His mind was cluttered with bad thoughts and his vision only 50% clear. He couldn't hear due to his thoughts drowning out all sound. "Anx-Virgil. Calm down!" Logan said, strengthening his grip on said side. "no...touch" he said, finally giving up and leaning into the warmth given to him by the others. But, just as he was beginning to calm down,

Thunder just had to make an appearance.

Boom! (Is that what thunder sounds like? Idek)

Virgil shrieked and cried loudly, curling into a ball and leaning into Logan. Logan wrapped his arms around the younger side protectively. He gave the others a worried look. The other two returning it. "How do we get him to calm down?!" Roman asked, Patton nodding. Logan thought for a moment until he had an idea.

"Get me his headphones"

Part two?



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