Part 39

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I ran to the door, Harry after me... I reached for the door...

Harry: *whispers* wait...

We both waited to see what would happen next... The person from the other side screamed... Harry grabbed my hand and he told me to wait again... 


There was a flash of lighting and after a few seconds thunder again... 

xxx: ALEX!!! Please open the door for us!

I recognized Amanda's voice and Harry and I both grabbed the door knob and opened the door... Amanda and Zayn both ran in soaked... Amanda hugged me...

Me: Are you okay???

Amanda: Yeah... This weather is horrible... Getting home was a nightmare... 

Then I turned to Zayn and hugged him too...

Me: What about you???

Zayn: I'm fine... A little rain can't do anything to me... :D

Me: Come on, let's get you two dried off...

Amanda: What about you??? You and Harry are also soaked... 

Me: Yeah... Well we were to busy worrying about you two to even dry ourselves... 

I took them up to our room... Amanda and I took some other clothes and I gave Harry and Zayn some of my grandfather's clothes... 

Amanda: Why are the lights off??

Me: I don't know... I guess because of the thunder... There's no electricity... 

I took out some more blankets and we all went to the living room... I snuggled up to Harry... I didn't notice but I had fallen asleep... The next morning I woke up on the couch, still snuggled up to Harry... I looked up and I noticed he was still asleep... I decided to stay like that until he woke up, so I wouldn't wake him up... I scanned the room and I saw that Amanda and Zayn weren't there... I heard talking in the kitchen... 

xxx: Should we tell them? 

zzz: I don't know... Alex was pretty scared last night... 

yyy: You think they could handle it?

Wait a second... Three different voices? As far as I knew only Amanda and Zayn were with us... As I was laying there, I felt Harry move... I looked up and I noticed he just woke up... 

Harry: Morning Beautiful! :)

Me: Good Morning! :)

We both got up and I went into the kitchen to see what was going on... When I walked in I saw Amanda, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis there... 

Me: Handle what? 

Louis: No good morning???? :D Directly to the questions... :D

Niall: We brought you breakfast... Although we ate half of it... :D

Liam: We? You did... :D

Niall: Okay, okay... I did... I'm sorry... :D

Me: It's okay... :D

Then Harry came in too... 

Harry: Hey guys! What are you all doing here? :D

Louis: We came to bring you breakfast and check if you were okay... The night was a disaster... :/

Liam: I know... :/

Amanda: At least it's over and the weather is nice now... Let's have some breakfast? :)

Me: Handle what????

Niall: Why don't we tell you over breakfast... :)

We sat down at the table and started eating... And I asked again... :D

Me: Okay... handle what??? :D

Louis: You just don't give up do you???? :D

Me: Handle what??? :D

Louis: I'm guessing that's a no... :D

Liam: There is this supposedly "haunted" house that everyone is talking about and while we're here we wanted to go and check it out... And after what happened the night before we didn't know if you'd want to go... :D

Harry: I do... :D 

Me: What's the mystery behind the "haunted" house? :D

Liam: I don't really know... Let's look it up... 

Since we had already finished eating we got up from the table and I took out my laptop... We googled the house and found this story... 

"This was the house of Hilary Walter. She lived in the house in 1960s. She was last seen going into the house in 1965. After that she has never been seen. No one has ever dared to live in this house except brave Victoria Edwin. She was a divorced woman of 40 years age. After 3 days living in the house, she disappeared and has never been seen ever since. It is thought that whoever goes in the house will see Hilary and that poor Victoria was Hilary's victim."

Amanda and I shared a confused look... 

Amanda: And why do we want to go here? :D

Liam: I don't know... To check it out? 

Me: Fine... I don't believe in ghosts, so okay....

Harry: You're sure you want to? 

Me: Yeah... 

Liam: Okay... Let's get in the car and go... :D

We all got dressed and got in the car... Half the way to there the place was deserted... When we got there I saw that the house was like nobody had gone in a long time. What am I talking about? Nobody had gone in in a long time... 

Me: Old deserted house. Nothing to be scared of... 

Zayn: We'll see when we go in... :D 

We all went in... The house was all dusty and it had that "never been cleaned" smell... For the first time in my life I did not feel scared at all... I walked around checking out all the rooms... 

Liam: Alex, would you just go where the rest of us go??? We don't want to lose you in this spooky place... 

Me: Relax Liam... :D Do you really believe in this stuff... I mean ghosts???? :D 

Liam: Alex... We don't know what's lurking here... :/

Me: Oh just relax... :D 

I continued going into every room... I went into the bedroom and opened the cupboard... There were some old clothes there... I had fun checking them out... Suddenly I noticed that none of the gang was here... Now I felt a bit scared... Then I said to myself... "Relax Alex, you're going to be fine..." Suddenly I heard a sort of a crack... I turned around and I saw an old lady... I screamed and fell to the ground...

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