Part 11

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It was LOUIS! 

Me: OMG! I'm so so so sorry... I didn't realize it was you...

Louis: Ohhh.... This hurts.... 

Me: I'm so so sorry... Can I do something for it?

Louis: Why do anything for it? It sure hasn't done a lot for me... Except hurt... xD

Me: Oh Louis... Always making jokes about everything... :D Btw what are do you doing here?

Louis: Nothing... I was just heading home and I saw you... :D

Me: Oh... :D If you're going my way let's walk together... :D

Louis: Even if I wasn't I was going to go with you... What kind of guy leaves a girl to go alone?

Me: Umm...

Louis: Maybe an idiot, but I'm not an idiot xD

Me: Aww thanks :)

So we walked and walked and then we got to the sidewalk thingy (Don't know what it's called sorry :D) next to the beach... It was kind of quiet where we got, there weren't very much people around... By then I was feeling extremely tired, I would have fallen asleep right there and then if it wasn't for Louis... He was cracking jokes and I kept on laughing...

Louis: Hey before we go let's sit for a bit on that bench over there...

Me: Okay... :)

The sound of the ocean was so soothing... I wish I hadn't said yes because I was feeling even more sleepy by then... I kind of laid my head down on Louis' shoulder... I tried not to fall asleep, because If I did it would be very weird... Sleeping on a guy's shoulder when I supposedly liked another guy... 

Louis: Well the breeze and the sound of the ocean is very calming, huh Alex? Alex? :D

But it was definitely to late by then... I was already asleep on Louis' shoulder right there... I kept on sleeping until the sound of an alarm woke me up... I woke up in a room... But I didn't know which room it was... I got up and I saw that I absolutely had no idea where I was.......................................................................................................................................................................................... THE END... Hope you like and please comment what you thought... :) 

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