Part 54

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We all got our beach stuff and went to the beach with the car... We splashed around and laughed for some time and then Harry saw that some people were signing up for something... 

Harry: What are they signing up for?

Me: I don't know... Let's go see... :)

We all went up to the lady who sitting on a table and talking with the people so she could sign them up... 

Me: Hi! Can I just ask what are people signing up for? 

Lady: Life guard duty... 

Me: That many life guards? O.o

Lady: Well there is something going on in the water...

Me: What's going on? O.o

Then she started laughing hysterically....

Lady: Ahahhahahaha... I was just kidding... Ahahahahah...

Amanda: *cough* Poor sense of humor *cough*...

I couldn't help but not laugh at the situation...

Liam: So what are people really signing up for?

Lady: It's this couples match we're doing... It goes like this... First we ask the guy a question about the girl and if he answers correctly he gets a point... Then the other way around... The couple with the most points wins... :)

Harry: Sign us up... :) Harry Styles and Alexis Williams... :)

Lady: H...Harry Styles?

Harry: Yeah... :D 

Lady: My daughter loves you guys... What's the band called again???

Me: One Direction... :D

Lady: Can I please ask if you'd give me an autograph for her??? :)

Harry: Sure... :D Who do we sign it to? :)

Lady: Margo... :)

They signed the autograph and Harry gave it back... 

Harry: Well here you go... ummm...

Lady: Mar.... Uhh I mean Kathryn... 

Harry: Okay... Kath...ryn... :D

Lady: So Harry Styles and Alexis Williams? :)

Harry: Yep... :)

Lady: Okay... So here are the questioners... Girls go over there and boys go over there to fill them out... So there is no peeking... :)

Me: Damn this stuff is organized... :D

Amanda: We'll be watching over here guys... :D Fingers crossed you win... :)

We filled out the questionnaires and all of the couples sat down so the match could start... The same lady led the match... 

Lady: Okay... So first question is for Adam and Samantha... 

As soon as I heard the names I turned around and saw them sitting on a nearby table... 

Me: Look who's competing... :D

Harry: Oh yeah... :D We'll find them later... :D Oh and just so you know we're winning this thing... :D

Me: I know that... :D

Lady: Okay then... :D That is one point for them... Next up are Harry and Alexis... Harry... What is Alexis's favorite color?

Harry: Pink and turquoise... :)

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