Part 32

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Harry: Gemma!

Gemma: Hey, hey! I'm just telling the truth here.... You do talk about her a lot...

Harry: Gemma!

Gemma: Okay fine, fine... I'll shut up now... :D 

Harry: Thank you....

Then Harry's phone rang... 

Harry: I gotta take this... 

Then he went to talk on his phone... 

Me: So, you say love struck?! :D

Gemma: Oh look who's interested... :D You like him... Don't you?

Me: Well... Kind of... 

Gemma: I can see it in your eyes... It's not kind of... You really really like him... 

Me: Is it that obvious? :D

Gemma: Yup... ^_^ Listen if you ever want my help with Harry, you just gotta call.... I mean who knows him better than his own sister? :D 

Then she told me her number and I told her mine... 

Gemma: I've always liked you... I think we'll be very good friends... :) And I think you and Harry would be a pretty good couple... :)

Me: Aww thank you... :) And trust me I know we're gonna be friends... You're a really cool person... :)

Gemma: Why thank you love ^_^ 

Then Harry came back... :)

Harry: Hey! Alex... Louis just called... I'm sorry, but I gotta leave... We have some concert we have to do here... It came up in the last minute... I'm so sorry... But can we reschedule?

I gotta admit in the same time I was disappointed and relieved... Disappointed because I was looking forward to spend some time alone with him... And relieved because I still didn't know what he was going to tell me... And who knows it could have been that he has another girlfriend.... 

Me: Okay... Can you drive me home though? 

Harry: I've got a better idea... Why don't you come along? :) 

Me: Yeah... :) That sounds cool... 

Harry: Gemma want to come along? 

Gemma: Nope... I actually came here since I have a date... :) Good Luck though... :) I know you'll do great... :) You're my brother how could you not? :)

Harry: Haha well thanks... :) Come on Alex we gotta go... :)

Alex: Okay... :) Bye Gemma!

Gemma: Bye love! :)

So we set off... We got there in time... We got in and met up with the rest of the boys... Not surprising at all Amanda was there... I knew Zayn had invited her... :D

Me: Mandy!!

Amanda: Alex!!! :D 

We hugged just like we always do... :)

Amanda: I'm psyched to be here! 

Me: Me too! :)

Harry: Boys we gotta get ready come on!

They went to get ready and we sat backstage... 

Amanda: This will be us one day... :)

Me: What do you mean? 

Amanda: I know it will be us some day... Remember when we were 14... The song we made? 

Me: Oh yeah... Do you still remember it?

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