Part 28

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Then I saw it was a girl about 10 years of age... She looked at all the boys and screamed again... Screaming as in fangirling...

xxx: OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!! I can't believe I'm on a boat with One Direction!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: *laughs* What's your name sweetie? 

xxx: Maria... :)

Zayn: Hi Maria! :)


All of us: *laughs*

Me: I'm guessing your a Directioner? 

Maria: YES!!!!!!!! Are you???

Me: Yeah... :D 

Harry: She had the same reaction when she met us... :D

Me: No... I didn't... :D I didn't fangirl....

Harry: Yes, you did... :D Big time... :D

Me: Okay fine... :D But I've known you all my life... :D

Harry: But you didn't remember back then, did you? :D

Maria: OMG!!!!! You've known Harry Styles all your life????? 

Me: Yeah... :D 

Maria: How did you not remember?! :D

Me: Well I knew him before he was even famous, we lost touch and I forgot... :D

Maria: OMG!!!! How could you forget someone hot like Harry Styles?! :D

Me: Trust me... :D He was pretty dorky back then... :D

Louis: Look Har.... Even 10 year-olds have crushes on you... :D

Maria: I'm 11... :D

Harry: Still... :D I feel proud... :D 

Maria: Can I have an autograph please??? And a picture???? Please??????? 

1D: Sure... :D

Niall: Alex... :D Would you care to take the picture???? :D

Me: Sure.... :D 

So I took a picture of them... :D I looked at the little girl's face... She looked so happy.... I remembered when I once dreamed to know them and to hang out with them... And look I was living my dream.... :) She looked so happy when they were signing her autograph... :) Later on we all went back to shore and brought Maria back... :D She introduced us to her parents and we stayed and chatted with them for a while... :) And then we packed up and all went home... The boys dropped us off at my place... It was the first time this summer that I had some time alone with Amanda... We did what we always do when we're alone together... We did our nails... We did our make up and we filmed ourselves and made videos that we later put on YouTube... Later on we went to bed... 


The next morning (or maybe I should say in the middle of night for how long I sleep) I was awakened by someone lightly shaking my shoulder... I opened my eyes and saw my grandfather... 

Grandpa: *whispers* Alex... Wake up... Did you forget about our fishing trip? :)

Me: *whispers* No... Of course not... What time is it?

Grandpa: *whispers* 5 am... Is Amanda going with us?

Me: *whispers* No... When she wakes up she's going to the boys' house.. 

Grandpa: *whispers* Okay... I'm going to go outside and wait for you... You get dressed and then we'll go... :)

Then he went out and I got dressed... I went out to join him and then we set off... Then I remembered how much I enjoyed those fishing trips with my grandfather... As much as I liked spending time with the boys I was sure that I was going to enjoy this trip and have lots of fun... We got to the boat and set off in the sea.... We stopped somewhere and got our fishing gear out and started fishing... :D

Grandpa: Early mornings are always the best... :D

Me: Even though I'm very sleepy I'm quite enjoying this... :D

Grandpa: You were supposed to go earlier to sleep last night... :D 

Me: I did... :D

Grandpa: I meant as in 9 pm maybe... :D And not 11 pm... :D

Me: Hey... Hey... :D 11 pm is early... :D

Grandpa: Sure it is... :D

Me: It is... :D 

Grandpa: Remember the last time we did this? :)

Then I felt a surge of guilt... That have to have been at least 10 years ago... 

Me: Yeah?

Grandpa: That was the time I tripped over and fell off the boat... :D

Then I remembered the little incident and started laughing... :D

Me: Hahahaha! We were lucky that it wasn't that deep... :D

Grandpa: Even if it was I would have been fine... :D I'm a good swimmer... 

Through all this time I spent with my grandfather I didn't notice someone was watching me... You probably can guess who it was though... And no it wasn't some crazy psychopath... It was just a boy that wanted to spend time with me... Yes, you've got it... It was Harry... 

Out of sight Harry was sitting and watching me... And he didn't notice someone come up behind him... It was Louis...

Louis: Harry? What are you doing here? I've been looking all over the place for you...

Harry: * startled* Louis! What are you doing here? 

Louis: I thought I asked you that first? :D


Louis: You wanted to check up on her didn't you? :D

Whilst saying this he was pointing over at my direction... I couldn't see them of course since my grandfather and I were further away and I was to wrapped up in talking to him and laughing... 

Harry: I wouldn't call it checking up... I just... Oh I don't know... I just wanted to see her... 

Louis: You really like her don't you?

Harry: Well yeah... But I'm not sure she likes me... As you can see she can happily live without me... Look how happy she is over there... 

Louis: Now you're just being jealous... :D

Harry: No... I'm serious... She totally forgot about me... And I've never forgotten her... And now I realize I've missed her all this time... 

Louis: Trust me... She likes you... :D

Harry: How do you know?

Louis: I just do... :D And let's go... You don't want her to see us do you?

Harry: Uhh... I think it's too late for that... :/..................................................................................................................................................................................... THE END! Hope you like and please comment what you thought... :)

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