Part 21

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Amanda: I think I like Zayn...

Me: Tell me something I don't know. :D

Amanda: No... Alex... I think I really really like him... Like I'm falling for him... I'm falling in love with him...

Me: Mandy... Take it easy... You practically like every guy you see...

Amanda: I know... But this is real.. I know it is... I can feel it...

Me: Amanda... That's what you say when you start liking every other guy... :D

Amanda: No, I don't... :D I usually say "He's Hot" too... :D I didn't say that now did I??? :D

Me: Oh... So you're saying Zayn's not hot? :D

Amanda: Oh no... Not at all... HE IS! Very much too... :D

Me: So there you said that too... :D

Amanda; Okay fine... But this time I'm saying this is real... :D

Me: Okay... If you say so... But please don't rush into things... :D

Amanda: Of course I won't... He just got out of a relationship... He needs time off... :)

Me: That's my girl! :D

Amanda: I love you :)

Me: I love you too... :) Shall we go back now? :)

Amanda: Yeah... :)

Then we went back to where the boys were sitting... I noticed that Louis was looking at me with a weird look in his eyes and a little smile... 

Louis: Alex can you come with me for a bit? :)

Me: Sure.... :D

We went out of the others earshot and sight....

Louis: So... you kissed him?

Me: Huh? He told you? 

Louis: No... I can see ti in your eyes....

Me: OMG! Amanda says that too... I mean the eyes thing....

Louis: They sparkle when you're happy...

Me: That easy to notice?

Louis: Kind of.... 

Me: So wait... He didn't say anything? 

Louis: No... But I know everything by just looking at him...

Me: Huh... Like me and Amanda...

Louis: You two are best friends and so are we.... :D Ao are you like in a relationship or something? 

Me: With Hazza?

Louis: Yeah...

Me: I don't know... Not now... It was just a kiss... 

Louis: Okay... :D Whatever you say... :D Now come on... I don't want to get your boyfriend upset... :D


Then Louis turned to me with one of those looks thta kind of says "Oh Really?!" :D

Me: Okay... YET! :D

Louis: That's better... :D

We started going back to where the boys were sitting, but then I remembered I had something to say to Lou... 

Me: Lou?

Louis: Yeah?

Me: I never got to say thanks... So thanks.... :)

Louis: Hahaha for what? :D I didn't do anything...

Me: Yes, you did... You were there for me when I needed a friend....

Louis: You're Welcome Alex... And remember that I always will be there for you... Whenever you need me I'll be here... :)

Me: *saying this with a kind of shaking in my voice*: Thanks... :')

Louis: Don't you start crying on me again... :D

Me: Okay, okay... But that was so sweet... And remember if you ever need anything I'll be here for you... Just like you were for me... :')

Then he came up to me and hugged me tightly... I hugged him even tighter... Right then I knew that he was a true friend...

Me: Okay... Let's go back now before I start crying... :')

Louis: Hahahah okay... We don't want that, do we? :D

Then we went back to where the others were sitting... We had fun on the beach... The weird part was that Harry didn't even mention anything about what happened... I'm guessing he wanted it to be private, so that's why I didn't say anything either... Amanda and Louis kept quiet too since well it's not any of their business... While we were siting on the beach Zayn made a suggestion to do something else...

Zayn: Hey... You know what I realized?

Amanda: What?

Zayn: Since we've been here we haven't gone shopping... :D

Me: Hey! Yeah! I haven't either... :D

Amanda; neither have I... :D

Me: You just got here :D

Amanda: Yeah... But it's usually the first thing I do when I go to some place new... :D

Zayn: What do you say we go take a shower and go shopping?

Me: Yeah... It's getting dark anyway... :)

So we all piled into the car and went to the boy's place... We all took showers there since I had clothes with me there and Amanda had some with her... After everyone was dome we went into the car again and went shopping... After some wandering through the streets and some stores, we saw a store that we all wanted to go into... It pretty much had everything in it... So we went in... :D

Me: Woow! Let's look around....

We all looked around the store... Found some stuff that we wanted to buy and just as we were getting ready to purchase them at the cash register Louis called be over...

Louis: Alex! Come here for a bit, please... :)

Me: Okay... :)

I went up to him... I noticed he was holding something...

Louis: I'm going to buy this for you...

Me: Lou... That's so nice... You don't have to... 

Louis: But I want to...

Then I grabbed one from where he got it...

Me: You're getting one too.......................................................................................................................................THE END! Hope you like and please comment what you thought... :D

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