Part 42

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Me: Hello????? OH FOR THE!!!! AGHHHH!!!

Harry: What?

Me: Stupid phone... -.- It cut me off....

Liam: Redial?

Me: I'm trying... There's no signal... ://///

Amanda: Really??? Now???????? 

Niall: I think this was enough... We'll call again later... Let's go have a snack...

Louis: Yeah... This place is freaking me out anyways... 

Me: Okay... Let's go... :)

We went to the door... I tried opening it but it was locked...

Me: What the??? 

Amanda: What's wrong???? 

Me: It's locked... 

Harry: Let me try... Maybe you're doing it wrong...

Then he tried opening the door... It was still locked though... :D

Me: So you're underestimating me and my abilities, huh? :D

Harry: Okay... Fine... :D

Zayn: Let's try the windows?

We went to all the windows in the house but none opened...

Liam: We're locked in...

Louis: We could try ringing someone to maybe take us out somehow...

Amanda: It's worth a try...

We all got out our phones and saw that there was no signal on any of them...

Me: OMG!

Amanda: Wait for it...

Me: This is a disaster!

Amanda: And it's coming!

Harry: What?

Amanda: Whenever she's mad, confused and panicked she swears... :D

Me: Thank you for reminding me... Not this time... 

Amanda: Why not??? :D Hahahah

Me: Cuz I know a lot of swear words that all of you probably do not want to hear... :D (Writer's note: In Macedonia I swear on French and English (they understand the English one though)... And in Canada I swear on German and Macedonian... :D Hahaha This is only when I'm really really really mad, I don't usually swear... :D)

Liam: Hahahahaha! 

Me: Okay... Since we skipped the anger and panicked part... What do we do now???

Niall: I don't know but I'm hungry... 

Zayn: This is not the time to think about that! :D We need to get out... :D

Liam: But how?

I just sat down and looked out the window... It was getting dark and it was also starting to rain... 

Me: It's starting to rain... And it's also getting dark... :/

Amanda: There is not a person in sight to get us out... :/

Suddenly I hear thunder and the rain got harder... There was a storm beginning... 

Liam: Well at least we're inside... 

Amanda: In a haunted house when there is a storm outside in the night... Yeah... We're very lucky... 

Harry: Oh the house is not haunted... We just talked to Hilary didn't we?????

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