Part 45

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We all went in her house... She went into the kitchen as the rest of us sat down in the living room...

Me: Now this is confusing... O_o

Niall: What?

Me: Well if none of them haunted the house who did? :D

Zayn: Maybe it's not haunted???

Me: Whatever it is, it;s spooky... 

Liam: After this meeting I'm moving on with my life... 

Me: Me too... Do not mess with things like that... Seriously... You will just scare yourself... 

Harry: Totally right... :D

Louis: What do you guys wanna do after?

Me: Well, I wanna go home and take a shower... 

Louis: So I take it no going out?

Me: No... We'll go out if you like... It's our last few weeks here...

Harry: I can't believe the summer passed by so fast... 

Me: Hey... Everything has to have an end... But there will be other summers...

Harry: But this one was special... 

Me: Yeah... A lot of memories... 

Harry: Memories? What do you mean?

Me: Look Harry... I know you're this big pop star and this summer was just like a bit time off for you and so was I... And when we get back to London, you can live your old life again... Just please promise me you'll never forget me and what we had...

After saying this I couldn't help but bursting into tears... I never realized that I had been thinking about this all along... Also, I never realized how much Harry had meant to me and how much I really did love him... 

Harry: Alex, do you really think I would do that to you?

Me: Harry... I know you wouldn't want to be with me... This was just summer romance...

Harry: It was romance... But I want it to last longer than the summer... Weather it's summer, winter, fall or spring... I will always love you... 

Me: You really mean that???

Harry: Yes, I do... Now please stop crying...

He bent down and kissed me... I started kissing back... At that moment Vanessa walked in...

Vanessa: Ohh... Look at the two cute love birds... :D

We immediately tore apart and laughed... :D

Vanessa: Oh I'm sorry... I didn't mean to embarrass you... :D

Me: It's okay... :D

Vanessa: What about all the others? :D Quiet... :D

Amanda: We didn't want to interrupt their special moment... :D

Vanessa: Ohh that's good... :) I just love seeing two young people in love like that... I remember when I was young and in love... But then my husband had to cheat on me and we got divorced and got back together again... But I guess that's just life... :D So enough about me and my complicated life... What was it about the house you kids wanted to ask?...

Louis: Yeah... :D We heard that house was haunted and all...

Amanda: Yeah... What's with that??? :D

Vanessa: Kids, to tell you the truth I really do not have any idea... Hilary sold me the house when I divorced with my husband and I was willing tot take anything then... Hilary warned me that the house was spooky and all... She moved to Germany because she couldn't handle it anymore... I was so mad at my husband that I took the deal... I lived there for a while... In the beginning everything was fine and after some time strange things began to happen... Doors locked and unlocked... Lights turned on and off... Weirdest thing was that once a window broke by itself and I never found the source of that... So I decided to move back in with my husband... I was so scared to death by then... Trust me... Leave that house alone... It's better like that... 

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