Part 4

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Me: *just realized I was hugging Harry, since I was so scared from the Bang.* Sorry.... I didn't.... mean to.... I was just really scared. :/

Harry: *laughs* It's okay... :D It was just fireworks. :D

Louis: It might have been. But It scared me.

Niall: It scared us all. 

Liam: Hey it was just fireworks... :D Let's go to dinner. :D

Zayn: Yeah... Let's go.

So we all got into their car and went. Then we got to the restaurant.

Zayn: You guys go find a table and I'll go order. What do you guys want?

So we told him what we wanted and then he went to order the food. I had a very fun time with them. Louis was cracking jokes all the time, Niall ate everything that was left over and ordered more, Liam told me about how it was to be in One Direction and to be famous, Zayn just talked and talked and Harry sung to me. That fun time lasted until like 1 am in the morning. Then we got back to the car and set off. They said that they'd drop me off at home. When I got out of the car Harry got out also. He went all the way to the door with me.

Harry: Well..... Goodnight then....

Me: Goodnight... I had a really great time with you guys.

Harry: I had a great time with you too. Hey, where are you going to be tomorrow?

Me: Umm... here... :D I'm here all summer.

Harry: How about you meet us at the beach at 1 PM?

Me: I'd like that.

Harry: Goodnight then... Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite ;)

Me: *laughs* Okay. :D To you too. :) Bye.

Then he went and I went back to the car and I went in the house. Granpa and Grandpa were already asleep. I took a shower and went to bed.

The next morning I got up at 10 am and went down to get some breakfast. My grandma was in the kitchen. But she was not to happy.

Grandma: ALLY! *hugs me* where were you lat night?

Me: OMG! Grandma I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you! I met One Direction and went to a restaurant with them. I'm so sorry.

Grandma: Okay. Next time please tell us we were worried sick.

Grandpa: *walks in the room* Hey! Don't be like that. She's almost 18! She can take care of herself.

Grandma: She is not 18!

Me: I'm 17. :D

Grandpa: Close enough ;) Ally what do you want for breakfast? I can make you some eggs and toast.

Me: That's be fine grandpa. :) 

I had my breakfast and then it was 1 pm. I left the house and went to the beach. When I got there there was no sight of them. I waited and waited. 15 minutes passed. Half an hour passed. Still no sight of them. I picked up my stuff with tears in my eyes. They'd stood me up. Even though they were my favorite band I was mad at them. I swore that I'd never listen to their songs again and that I'd take off all their posters off my walls. I was especially mad at Harry. I thought that we had some kind of connection, but I guess not. They were the same as all the famous people. They didn't care about anyone else, but themselves. They'd just used me and the idiot that I am I fell for it. They stood me up. I hated them at that very moment. 

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