Part 12

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I wandered around the room and then I felt scared... I thought I had been kidnapped... But the room didn't loom as if a kidnapper would put someone there... I 

got out of the room and then came to a big big big hallway. I wandered down the hallway and then as I went I heard voices...

xxx: Where is she?

yyy: I told you... She's in the bedroom at the end of the hallway...

zzz: When did you bring her there?

yyy: Just last night.

I thought that I recognized the voices so I headed down the hallway to where they were coming from. Then I found a kitchen. Then I saw that One Direction were in the kitchen.

Harry: Well good morning sleepy head!

Me: Good morning to you too. :)

Louis: How'd you sleep?

Me: Fine... How'd I get here anyways?

Zayn: Louis, the gentleman that he is, carried you down here... He said that you fell asleep on his shoulder.

Me: Thanks Lou... :) But wait a second... You carried me all the way from there to here?

Louis: Yeah :)

Me: Aww that is so nice...

Louis: You are very welcome...

Harry: Okay enough with the lovey dovey you two... Let's get some breakfast...

Oh great... Now Harry thought I liked Louis -.-. Just great. -.-

Zayn: What shall we eat?

Niall: Pancakes! No wait! Fish and chips! No wait! Let's go to Nando's...

Zayn: Oh... Niall can;t you just please choose one thing? You can't eat all that...

Niall: You think?

Zayn: Nobody can eat that much... Not even you...

Niall: Oh Just watch me... :D

Me: Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha! Let's just have pancakes okay? :)

Niall: Okay... We have one girl... She has the right to pick... :)

So then we sat down to eat... Liam made the pancakes... He makes really good pancakes I might add. :D

Liam: So how did you like my pancakes?

Us: They were really good...

Liam: Than you :)

Harry: Alex... Can you come out here with me... I need to talk to you about something... 

Me: Sure...

Zayn: Oooohhh... :D 

Niall *singing quietly* Love oh love! (For everyone that wonders which song this is it's Lena Mayer's satellite)

I was feeling very nervous... I had no idea what he was going to ask me... First thought that flew into mind was that he was going to say that I should go out with Louis since he thought I liked him... Second thought was that maybe he'd say that he liked me... And lots of other thoughts just flew around in my head like that... Then we got out into that big hallway...

Harry: I just called you out here to ask you something...

Me: Sure. Ask me anything.

Harry: See there's this dance tonight we're all supposed to be going to... And everyone is supposed to go with someone and each of the boys have someone to go with except me... And I was wondering if you'd want to go with me?

Me: Yeah... Sure... :)

I was trying not to sound to exited... :D But my voice sort of jumped when I said that... As we were standing there we hear a crash in the kitchen and Niall screamed... We ran to the kitchen just in time to see............................................................................................................................................................................................... THE END! Hope you like and please comment what you thought... :)

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