Part 25

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Amanda: Why before dark?

Niall: Since this forest is very big... We can't find them now when there is light let alone when it's dark...

Amanda: Now... We can't be negative... We'll find them... Let's make a plan... What should we do? Niall?

Niall: I don't know... I can't think when I'm panicking...

Amanda: I'm going to slap him... Liam?

Liam: How about we just simply go and look for them? 

Amanda: Okay... Let's split... You and I will go left and Niall and Harry will go right... Okay?

Niall: Speaking of Harry... Where is he?

Liam: HE WAS HERE A MINUTE AGO! What the....???? OMG! We lost another friend...

Amanda: Oh for......... What are we going to do?

Liam: Let's go and look for them... All together... Let's stick together... We don't want anything to happen to any of us...



Zayn: Calm down... Okay... Breathe in... Breathe out...

Me: Okay... Okay... I'm calm... Let's go look for the others... 

Zayn: Alright... Let's go... 

We went to look for the others... I can admit I was very scared... Being lost in a forest even in the day is scary... You don't know what's lurking there... And plus it was going to get dark soon...

*After a while*

Me: Zayn? It's dark already... What time is it?

Zayn: Must be near 8 pm... I don't have anything with me... 

Me: Oh yeah... We left everything in the car...

Zayn: Yeah... That was a smart move -.-

Me: I'm scared... How are we going to get back? 


Amanda: Ohh... It's dark... :'(

Niall: Hey don't start crying please...

Liam: We'll find them Amanda... Don't worry...

Liam and Niall both hugged Amanda while she started sobbing... 

Amanda: How could I not worry? My best friend is lost somewhere in a forest!!!

Niall: Hey... Weren't you the one that said that we should be positive... We'll find them... We wont stop until we do...

Amanda: What about the fact that we're lost too???

Liam: Hey... We'll find our way back... Don't worry...

Amanda: I don't wanna find my way back! I want to see my best friend! Nothing else! 

Niall: We'll find them... And we'll go back home safely... Trust me...

*Where Zayn and I were at the same time*

Zayn: I don't know... But we will... Let's sit here and try to think of something...

Me: Okay...

We sat on the ground... Just as I sat I heard a strange sound... Something started running at me... I screamed... Until I noticed who it was...


He ran up to me and hugged me tightly.... I hugged him back... Now I felt safe... I knew we were saved...

Me: OMG! Harry! Yaay! You found us! Where are the others?

Harry: I don't know... As soon as I saw you were gone... I ran off to find you... I just had to find you...

Well maybe not that saved............................................................................................................................................................ THE END! hope you like and please comment what you thought... :)

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