Part 16

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Harry: Why? Lets dance... :)

Me: But...

Harry: Come on! :)

And then he led me on the dance floor (if I can call it that we were still on the beach :P) My heart started pounding against my chest. But I calmed myself... Still we were friends... We could dance like that. :) Nobody even noticed us... They were all involved with their dates. :) I tried looking up at Harry... To see his reaction to the whole thing (this was happening as we were dancing), but I couldn't really see since he was taller than me. 

Harry: Calm down... :D I don't bite...

Me: *pretending I don't know what's going on* What do you mean? :D

Harry: I see you trying to look up at me... :D I don;t mind you slow dancing with me... Stop worrying... :D

Me: Umm... I wasn't looking up to see that...

Harry: Oh really now? :D

Me: Okay... Fine I was... But... :/

Harry: But what? Alex... What's bothering you? 

Me: Nothing... :/

Harry: Alex... I'm single... You don't have to worry about someone being jealous... 

Why was he telling me this? Was he interested in me as more of a friend? WHAT WAS I THINKING?! 

Harry: Now relax... :)

Me: Okay... Fine... Fine :D

Then I laid down on him (writer's note: the thing you do when you slow dance... I haven't slow danced, I'm more into fast dances and I don't really know.. :D) and I felt that this felt different from the time I laid down on Louis or the time when Louis hugged me when I was crying... This felt really different... I kind of felt electricity go in my body... But this was a very good feeling... I felt really really happy... I wanted to stay like that forever... At that moment I forgot about everything going around and I just kind of got on my tip toes and moved my head closer to his... The moment my lips were about to touch his the song ended and everyone stopped dancing... I quickly moved away from him... What surprised me most was that he didn't move away when I tried to kiss him... Could this mean something? Fortunately nobody saw what was going to happen... If they did then they'd know everything... At least I thought that nobody saw anything... But then I noticed that Louis was looking at me... He had seen the whole thing... But I already told him about it so it didn't really matter... Louis came up to me and whispered in my ear...

Louis: That's not the way to do it... When you start something go all the way through with it...

Me: Harry, can you please go get me a drink?

Harry: Sure :)

Me: Thanks :)

Louis: You should have kissed him...

Me: Lou! I don;t know what happened... I don't know what got over me... I wasn't even going to kiss him... 

Louis: Why shouldn't you? You like him don't you?

Me: I do... But.... I don't know...

Louis: Listen... There's this thing I've been trying to tell you... Harry....

Harry: Here's your drink... :)

Interupted again! I can;t believe it... 

Me: Thanks... :)

Harry: Why are you so quiet? Is there something you;re not telling me? :D 

Louis: Actually............... *looking at me with a look that meant if you're not going to tell him, I will*

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