Part 47

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I was just staring at them... They clearly didn't seem to notice us... They were so involved in kissing each other obviously... Harry and I just sneaked away to one of the bedrooms... We both sat down on the bed... 

Me: That was a bit awkward... xD

Harry: Yeah... How long do you think they're gonna be at it? :D

Me: Well I dunno...

Harry: How can you not know when she's your best friend?! :D

Me: Zayn's your best friend and YOU don't seem to know! xD

Harry: Okay... You killed me with that one... :D But should we go out there... :D 

Me: I dunno... :D

Harry: Do you know anything????

Me: At this hour, not really... xD

Harry: Come on... :D Let's see what they're doing... :D 

We walked into the room they were in but they weren't there... :D We saw that they were out on the balcony staring at the stars... We decided to eavesdrop on their conversation... We sat on one side of the glass doors... Behind the wall where they couldn't see us... 

Zayn: You see those stars?

Amanda: Yeah...

Zayn: You're even brighter and more beautiful than them... :)

Harry smirked...

Harry: Cheesy... xD

Me: Oh shut up... :D It was sweet... Could you do better? xD

Harry: Where are you from... :D

Me: Heaven! 

Harry: Damn... I keep forgetting you're a Directioner... :D 

Me: I made half of the things we say up... xD Now shh... I wanna hear what they're talking about... :D

Harry: Okay... Okay... 

Amanda: You know I've never felt like this before... 

Zayn: What do you mean?

Amanda: I mean the feeling of really being in love and for it not to be just a fling... 

Zayn: You know... Me too... I'm glad I met you...

Amanda: I'm glad I met you too... :D

Me: Aww that's the sweetest thing ever... :')

I turned to Harry and he was looking at me with this playful grin... He grabbed my hand and led me to the couch... He sat down and pulled me down next to him and smashed his lips against mine... We started kissing again... Even though he was my boyfriend and all I still felt the butterflies in my stomach every time we kissed... Suddenly I heard the glass doors fling open... 

Amanda: Oh there are our love Kevins! 

Zayn: Haha it's even cooler that they're Directioners, you know? 

Me: Yeah... And plus you can't lie to us... We already know everything about you... ^_^

Zayn: Oh well that might not be such a good part... xD

Then Amanda playfully hit him... :D

Zayn: I was joking... xD

Amanda: So was I when I hit you... xD

Zayn: Oh ha dee ha ha... xD

Amanda: Hey... I thought you guys would be here when we came... Where'd you go? :D

Harry: We took a midnight stroll down the beach... :D 

Me: And guess what????

Amanda: A seal fell from the sky and you caught it and now you're bringing it for me to see it????

Zayn: That was random... 

Me: Yeah... Well both of us are... :D Plus that's how we communicate... :D And Amanda, no... :D It was a dolphin... :D 

Here everyone burst out laughing... :D 


Amanda: Eh? We don't have prom yet... xD

Me: No... That Greek guy Adelphos was holding a party and called us... So everyone picked best couple and we won... :D

I showed them our crowns... :D

Amanda: Damn! :D You won prom queen before you had prom... :D

Me: Well.. That's just me... :D

Amanda: Everything positive happens to you!

Me: Says Zayn Malik's girlfriend...

Amanda: Says Harry Styles's girlfriend!

Me: Okay... Okay... You got me with that one... xD Listen I'm really tired so I'm gonna head to bed... 

Amanda: You're staying the night too? :D

Me: Well yeah... It's to late to go home... :D You too? :D

Amanda: Yep... :D

Me: Since you guys have spare bedrooms I'm just going to show myself to one before I fall asleep on the floor here... 

Zayn: If you do, Harry our gentleman will carry you to your bedroom... :D

Amanda: Hahaha... Even I could carry her... :D She's as light as a feather... :D (Writer's note: Haha... I took this one from me... I am as light as a feather... :D All my friends have picked me up and carried me around... xD)

Me: Sweet Dreams... :D

I went into the bedroom, plopped on the bed and covered myself with the covers... In no sooner than five seconds I had fallen asleep... At about at the middle of my sleep I felt someone's arms wrap around me... I didn't bother to open my eyes and see who it was... The next morning when I woke up I was still wrapped in someone's arms... When I turned round I saw that it was Harry... He had woken up just minutes before me... 

Harry: Hey, beautiful... :) Good Morning... :D

Me: Good Morning... :D

Harry: House is empty... :D Everyone went out... :D We can do whatever we like... :D 

Me: Okay... :D Watch some movies or go out? :D

Harry: Whatever you want, sweety... :D

Then my phone rang... I jumped out of my bed... I didn't even bother to check the caller ID but instead I just answered... I heard a familiar voice on the other end... I was happy to hear it

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