Part 44

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I didn't really want to wake the others so I just came back and laid down again so I could take a nap until they woke up and show it to them... I instantly fell asleep... When I woke up it felt like the time passed by so fast, like I slept for five minutes... But I was lying to myself... When I woke up the sun was shining... It must have been at least 10 am... I woke up on the floor but the others weren't there... I got up to look for them... I heard them in the next room... Or as I might call it the kitchen... I walked in... :)

Harry: Hey sleepy head! :)

Louis: Morning sunshine! :)

Zayn: We're solving our mystery today? :D

Me: I think I just might have done that... :D 

Liam: When??? We were all sleeping... :D

Me: I got up and found something... :D

Niall: Why'd you get up anyways??? :D

Louis: Oh Niall... You should have asked her what she found, not why she got up... :D

Niall: Hey! I have my questions, you have yours... :D

Me: To answer both you're questions... I got up because I was hot and I went to wash my face and when I did the view got clearer because I was not half sleepy anymore...

Louis: So you were full sleepy??? :D

Me: Ha dee ha ha... Would you just listen to me? :D

Louis: Alright, alright... :D Go on... :D

Me: So as I said the view got clearer and I saw this...

Then I handed them the letter... 

Harry: What's this? :D

Liam: Let me see...

He took it away from Harry... 

Liam: It's another letter... 

Me: Well DUH! That's what all these people do... Send letters... :D

Louis: And buy vases in the house...

Niall: Seriously who'd hide a letter in the bathroom anyways?????? :D

Me: I don't know... A crazy person maybe... :D

Amanda: So, you'd hide a letter in the bathroom? :D

Me: Ha ha... -.- No... I'd hide it under the floor where no one could find it... :D

Amanda: How can you even put it in there????? :D

Me: I'd dig a hole and then bury it and finally put a floor on it... :D

Amanda: Well at least it proves you're crazy... :D

Me: Positive crazy... :D

Amanda: Positive, yes... :D

Louis: Can we just read the letter already??? :D

Me: I already did, but you guys should... :D

Zayn: So that means you've already figured this out???? :D

Me: Not exactly... I might have... Depends on if what is said in the letter is true and it works... :D 

Liam: What do you mean???? 

Me: Read the letter and you'll see... :)


Dear Vanessa, 

I'm sending you this letter again to say how sorry I am... Really, really sorry.. I knew you wouldn't reply... But I just wanted to say if you changed your mind I moved... In the same city, but I changed houses... My address is ******* (Writer's note: Pretend there's an address there... :D)


You're ex husband George

Me: The place is close to here.... :D

Harry: So what if we go??? She clearly didn't reply so we're not going to find her there... 

Me: We might not find her there but George might know what happened to her... 

Liam: How are we going to get out anyway????

Zayn: Let's break the door... There's no other way...

Louis: So the house is not haunted after all???

Amanda: That's not sure... We still don't know what happened to her... We found her husband, not HER! :D

Niall: Well let's break that door!!! :D

They went out and just ran at the door... At how spooky this house was I knew that something strange was bound to happen...


They all stopped running... None of them was even close to the door... I just went to the door and put my hand on the door knob... I pulled and it opened... 

Niall: How...

Amanda: Did...

Harry: You..

Liam: Do... 

All: THAT???

Me: I have no idea. :D I knew something strange had to happen... :D Let's go...

Louis: Let's just go... This place is creeping me out... :/

Amanda: Scardy cat... :D

I was behind her back and just out of nowhere put my hands on her shoulders and growled at her... To see her reaction, not because of anything else... 

Amanda: AGHHHHHHH!!!

Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! Who's the scardy cat now??? :D

Amanda: I think my heart must be beating like 10 times in one second... -.-

Me: Stop being such a drama queen... :D

Harry: Come on guys! :D Let's go! :D 

Louis: Yes... You can finish scaring each other in the car... :D

Amanda: *behind my back* Boo!

Me: You can't scare me... ;)

Amanda: Damn it.... -.- I never can... :D

Me: Haha! :D

We all got in the car and drove to that part of town...

Harry: Here's the house... 

The house looked pretty normal... And the neighborhood did too... We got out of the car and rang the doorbell... We heard someone come down the stairs and to the door... A woman opened.... 

Me: Hi, is George home?

xxx: Unfortunately he's at work... Could I help you? :)

Me: Maybe... We had a few questions about his ex wife... Vanessa Edwin... 

xxx: Well... There's a lot to tell... I guess... Maybe I can help... :) Would you care to come in for a cup of tea? :)

Me: That would be lovely... 

xxx: Oh... I didn't catch you names... :)

Me: Alex, Amanda, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry. And yours? :)

xxx: Vanessa. Vanessa Edwin. :)

Me: OMG! WHAT?! You're not dead???????????? 

xxx: No....

Me: Then who is that house haunted by???

xxx: That house was weird and spooky even before Hilary or I lived there... Why do you think we moved out??? Come on for a cup of tea and you can ask me all you like... :)

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