Part 14

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Right then I totally panicked... I thought about lying, but then Harry would never know how I felt about him and we'd never be together... I thought about saying that I liked Harry, but that seemed to risky because what if he didn't feel the same way? Yeah, yeah I know he once liked me, but that was years ago... I felt really numb, my palms were sweating until...........................

Zayn: Louis I hate to break it to you, but that's not how to play the game... You have to spin a bottle first for who to ask...

Louis: Ohh right... 

Liam: I'll go get a bottle and we'll start over...

I felt happy and disappointed at the same time... Don't ask me why. Then we continued playing the game... This time THE RIGHT WAY I might add :D. I didn't dare picking truth... I was to scared the boys would ask me the same question like before... I did a lot of stupid dares instead... I went to the balcony and screamed I LOVE MYSELF three times, drank three glasses of hot (thought not to burn my tongue, hot) glasses of water one by one, ran up and down the hallway only in my pajamas etc. But hey it payed off... No one asked me who I liked... I know I'm an idiot, but I felt scared in saying that I liked Harry. -.-

Niall: Okay guys... Let's go to bed already... It's getting pretty late...

Me: Yeah I'm getting sleepy too... 

Harry: You guys go I'll take Alex to her room... :)

Me: Thanks Harry. :)

He took me to my room... We were both very quiet... Until he hit me (not hard, playful) with something... I tuned around and I noticed it was a pillow... :D I grabbed one too and hit him also... :D We began a pillow fight... We were having so much fun... Laughing... It reminded me of the day on the beach when we pushed each other in the water, when we joined that party... We fought like that and then we sat on the foor both laughing... :D

Harry: Alright, Alright I surrender... xD

Me: Hahahah... serves you right trying to fight with me... :D

Harry: Hahahah... :D Btw Alex can I ask you something? For a piece of advice for a friend who's to afraid to ask... 

Me: Sure. 

Harry: He............ Actually never mind... I think I know what to tell him.

Me: No, no tell me! 

Harry: Nah... It's alright. I think he can figure it out by himself... Okay goodnight. :)

Me: Okay... If you say so... Goodnight... :)

Then he went in his room and I was alone... I wondered what he was gonna ask me... And if this advice wasn't actually for a friend, but for himself... With those thoughts I fell asleep... I was awakened by the smell of pizza... Good... Since I was starving... I got up and got dressed... I went down the hallway into the kitchen... Boy, did I have something to see... 

Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA! xD Niall, Zayn what the hell are you doing?! :D

Niall: Making pizza... What does it look like? :D

Me: Making pizza whilst dancing like you're in a dance show?! :D

Zayn: Yeaaah! Get with the flow! :D It's the new way of making pizza baby! :D

Me: Did you just sing that to me or did I imagine it?! :D

Niall: Oh he sung it... Believe me.... He's been singing all morning... :D 

Me: You guys are crazy! :D Hahahahahah :D

Niall: Now you go to the dining room... We'll be there in a second... Just to finish off this pizza...

Me: Finish off as in eat it all?! :D

Niall: Maybe ;)

Zayn: I'll keep an eye on him... It's the only way there can be any pizza left for the rest of us... :D

Then I went into the dining room... There I was cheerfully greeted by Louis... :)

Louis: Hello sunshine! :) Vas Happenin'? :D

Me: Isn't that what Zayn says? :D

Louis: Yeah... But I stole it... :D 

Me: Oh shut up. xD

Louis: Don't you shut up me! :D

Me: Whatever. :D BTW Where's Harry? :D

Louis: Oh he went out with his girlfriend....

I felt tears in my eyes... My heart started to bang in my chest... I couldn't handle it anymore... I fell into Louis' arms and just started crying...

Louis: Wow! Wow! What's this all about?! 

Me: He.... has.... a..... girl......f..... (I couldn't finish since I was crying to hard...)

Louis: No.... I was joking with you... He went out to the grocery store... We didn't have any juice left.... Please stop crying....

I stopped crying and lifted my head up from his chest and gazed into his eyes... He was looking at me.... He looked very worried.... Obviously he didn't know what was wrong... 

Me: Really? 

Louis: Yeah... I was joking... Harry's single... 

Me: :')

Louis: Why did you start crying?

Me: .....

Louis: Alex? Do you like Harry or something?! :D

Then I found myself crying all over again and telling Louis all about it... Since me and Harry we're kids and now.. How'd I'd fallen in love with him etc....

Louis: Calm down... I think..................................

But he never got the time to finish.... Because Harry came in the door holding juice and something else and that something else was .............................................................................................................................................................................THE END! Hope you like and comment what you thought...  :)

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