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Time Lapse - After 20 Years.

There's this shooting pain radiating across my chest as I find myself waking up early in the morning, my eyes land upon the useless alarm clock lying on my bedside table which showed 3:30 Am, I decide to leave my bed as I knew that I won't be able to sleep again because this has been my usual routine from the day I turned 18 and I am 19 years now, One year and I still remember that night when my birthday party was over and my best friend Jill decided to stay back with me for the sleepover.

~FlashBack to the dream~

We slept late that night after watching Netflix and eating all the junkies that we could fill our stomach with, the dream I saw that night was all blur but there were some parts of it which I am willing to not have seen but it's also something that will always be fresh up in my head.

With the moon being an only source of light made it very hard to see through my surroundings and all I could hear was someone crying and I had no other choice then to follow the source of it, after walking for what felt like eternity I saw a woman at a near distance who was crying and out of curiosity I walked my way towards her frame, her back was facing me but there was something about her which was familiar to me, her aura was strong and one of that high authority type, she seemed to be extremely powerful but above all I felt comfortable and relaxed being under her presence which was surprisingly odd for me; she was sitting down on the floor and crying over what seems to be a dead body, probably of her beloved one who was lifeless now and just right there a shot of electricity went through my chest which made me fall down on the floor beside the woman, my insides started to burn up as I felt suffocated, I was trying my best to not loose consciousness and it's then I realized for it to be something serious and not just some ordinary dream because of the pain was witnessing, I collected every bit of my strength and crawled my way around the woman to see who she was and the person she was crying for, once there I saw the most unexpected person lying there dead, it was me, lying there lifeless and Before I could register it up all in my head I was woken up by Jill and my mother who had a concerned look plastered over there face but before I could comprehend anything back from that dream I saw, I felt the same shooting pain rise up across my chest as I placed my hand upon the area in attempt to put some pressure upon it to minimize the pain but to my surprise I felt liquid oozing out of my chest and just after that I was embraced by the glory of darkness.

~ Ends here ~

Till this day I shiver when I think of that night, it also makes me think of that woman and it also makes me question about her,

Why was she in my dream ?
Who was she ?
Do I know her ?
I was lying there dead, was it my future ?

Those questions are still unanswered in my head to the fact that I can't raise them up Infront of anyone because I don't want to make myself look like a fool and the pain has now been on familiar terms with me but it's bearable unlike that night, besides thay I never saw that same dream after that night of my birthday which is good for me but now I get dreams of a little girl with a woman who I suppose is her mother and somewhere deep inside it gives me a warm feeling seeing them both and other times I see a war taking place somewhere and people dying.

While before I was 18, I used to get unclear glimpse of things happening in my dream and back then it wasn't a big concern because I actually used to get my sleep but after turning 18 my dreams which were just a glimpse before were now more vivid, detailed and subtle and those dreams are now followed by chest pain.

My parents were always supportive of me, they helped me get through the days after My birthday night when I was in hospital recovering From my chest injury, the cause was still unknown but now I have this light engraved thing on my chest.
To be continued in the sequel...

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