B.H.C - 74

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Camryn's Pov

"I want your help Mrs.Blliamoria" I said as I looked up to her in those purple eyes which were now glowing, "You can call me Carla and I am here to serve you, anything you want my help with" she said which made me smile genuinely appreciating her answer, "Okay, so Lezabel is not alone there, she has her own army of creatures coming for rescue, I heard a man talking about that, we now only have half an hour untill the army gets here and destroys everything, there main aim would be to reach the Black book which should be protected and...." I was interrupted by the lady in front of me "You, Camryn you are the key to that Black book, without you they can't even have the book let alone open it and besides that I hope you know that there army Is way to big for us to win against them, we need more man power in order to win against her" she said with a stressful look which made me sigh, "We have an option, it is a bit different but you will have to trust me on that" I said after a while of giving my brain a good push up to think for a plan, "We don't have man power and they have a big army but not stronger, we do have the best of them, either way we don't need more people just them few will take all of her army out for now all we need is a good plan in action which I have".

"Which is ?" She questioned to which I walked away at a good distance from her "Surrender" I said just above a whisper "What the hell did you just say ?" And there I was pretty sure that it was audible Enough for a high ranked vampire like her to hear it with no Trouble but the reaction was pretty much of opposite then I expected which was sarcastic.

"You heard me Carla and trust me with that, I know what I am doing and besides that it's the Book we need to protect so here is my plan, I will sneak the book out of this Palace and go towards the North shore, meanwhile you serve your queen, as far as I know Lezabel can't fight Regina and Emma together because she is not powerful enough, her power is her own army without which she is nothing and that's what she did in the past by separating Queen Anne from the duo, this time as well she will do the same, in order to destroy them she will make sure to separate them from each other, separating there powers as well, I just want you to keep them together and I will handle the rest of them" I explained as I prepared myself to make my words flow out in actions.

"This is wrong, whatever you just said is dangerous for your own self, you alone won't be able to...." I interrupted Carla as I kept my hand upon her shoulder assuring her "Do you trust me ?" I questioned her to which she took a moment "ummm...No" she answered which made me to roll eyes on her "Good, even I don't trust myself" I Mumbled walking away from her "Let's do this" I raised up and in return she seemed a bit hesitant but then she nodded.

"Right then, you go out in the Palace Court while I go down for the black Book" that said we both went our own way with a specific work assigned to our own self.

Lezabel's Pov

"She is planning to sneak the book out of the Castle and then she will be heading towards the North Shore" I heard it from one of my sources, "Interesting, the little girl is not so dumb after all but I can feel that this is not her only plan, for a person like me she definitely has something even big planned, the question is what would the plan be ?" I questioned randomly as I thought of all the possibilities that she could bring up in front of me.

Keeping all of my thoughts aside I first decided to act upon the situation on hand which was Camryn sneaking the book out of this Castle, it will be easy for us to handle her alone then it would be with all of her Men against us, "Let her plan go as she wishes, no one under me would stop her while she sneaks the book out of here, let her think that sneaking the book from under my nose is no big deal, let her reach North Shore of this Island, send my people behind her without her knowing it, let her think that everything is going according to what she planned once when she is there in the clear capture her and keep her safe, bring her in once I am inside the Palace Court and do remember neither one of you should harm her, I want her in one piece as she is right now, one scratch I see on her skin and you people will see me bringing up the worst on you" I instructed as the man nodded, "Very well then, you are dismissed" I said to which he bowed and walked back out of my sight, I was excited about the whole situation, Camryn has real brain and I am impressed with her planning but little does she know about who she is dealing with, I have been in this from years and I know well to tackle out situations like this.
To be continued...

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