B.H.C - 52

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Rebecca's Pov

The dogs, well they were send away from here for a month or two, to a training centre where they will be disciplined and after then they will be brought back home.

Regina is a person of principal, she has rules which she follows and that she won't ever take any inappropriate behaviour from anyone, she had her own ways to discipline someone when it came to her, thankfully Joshua was not involved with the four of them or else I would be seeing my son punished and I wouldn't have a word in it.

After I was asked to take Camryn back to the room I was not sure which room was Regina talking about, cuz this Mansion has several rooms and to be honest I was very much afraid to face an angry Regina so I decided to choose the one at the end.

Regina was up in her room while Emma was down here cleaning the living room and not to forget she was also asked by Regina to be up in room Zero after when she was finished with the cleaning.

I walked my way towards a crying Camryn as she looked up at me with her eyes bright red due to all the crying and she took off running, "no running Camryn, you will fall down..." I shouted but it was too late for that, I saw her slip down from the stairs as she came down rolling.

I rushed by her side, kneeling down beside her I scanned her tiny frame for any serious injury and surprisingly there were non, it was weird, because I saw her slip down from up high and here she was without a scratch. She opened her eyes, getting back up she made her way upstairs as if she never had a fall and here I was still shocked to what just happened.

I pulled myself out of those thoughts as I followed my way up behind Camryn and towards the bedroom.

Regina's Pov

I heard little patters of foot coming towards me and knew who would it be, I sighed softly setting all the cloths in the wardrobe, in the meanwhile I heard my door squeak open and in came a crying Camryn followed by Rebecca as I motioned for her to let Camryn come in, she nodded and walked out of my room leaving me and Camryn alone in here.

"I am sowey mommyyyyy" she  whimpered, ignoring her I continued unpacking our bags while she walked in between my way to get my attention.

By the time I was all done, Camryn was a crying mess with her face stained with tears while her eyes were red and swollen, but it didn't budge me a bit as I walked my way towards her on the bed, "Let's go for a ride..." I trailed off as I saw her expressions change, I saw confusion and fear surfaced up on her face.

I scooped her up from bed as she struggled to get off from within my arms "No mommy peease, I sowey, don't give me away..." She said crying as she struggled within my grip but I never let my grip loose from around herself.

I walked us both in the bath room as I sat her down on the platform, I pulled out a towel from down the cupboard as I let it get wet, wiping her eyes, her cheeks, her nose and everything, throwing the towel down in laundry bag I fished out some baby wipes as I pulled Camryn closer, placing my left hand at the back of her neck and head supporting it, I placed the wipe on her nose "Sniff out" I instructed to which she obeyed me and after when she was all clean, I dumped the wipes down in the Dustbin.

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