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Regina's Pov

I woke up next morning sandwiched between two sleeping beauties on my right hand side I had a sleeping Camryn all snuggled up to me while enveloping me from behind was Emma who wide awake as she kissed my shoulder "Good morning Gorgeous" she wished me as I nodded smiling back to her "Morning babe, you were late last night, is everything Okay ?" I asked her to which she snuggled her face deep in my neck "Everything is great, I was with Alexander preparing for tomorrow, First we informed the ministry and then I made all arrangements for our flight, everything is going well as per our plan oh and you smell amazing" she said breathing in loudly which made me giggle.

"You feel exhausted Em" I said as she nodded "I am, but I can handle it, I just want a good day sleep and I will be all ready to do the impossible...." She trailed of as I felt her slip away in her world of dreams soon she was fast asleep, alright so now the hard part.

Waking up Camryn was something hard for me to do ever morning, she was in all honesty the hardest person to figure out, at night time I will have to drag her up to the bed while she has several questions in her head about everything and then it's officially safe to say that I play 100 questions with my child every night before we go to sleep and answering them gives me a feeling of being genius while some questions can just embarrass me, her list of Questions start with...

Mommy, why do the sun rise up from the East and sets down in the west,

Mama, why do we have a leap year,

Where are dinosaurs Mommy, why can't we have one as a pet,

And her all time favorite questions which are kind of embarrassing for me includes,

Mommy, why does daddy have a little friend ?,

Mommy, have you ever peed in the pool ?    

Mamma, have you farted in an elevator ?,

And her signature question Mommmmmyyyyy, Why do I have to sleep every night while I can just stay up and play and me being a good mommy, I answer them all same questions every single consecutive night but the night I am over stressed and tired I use one sentence to seize all of her stupid questions which is

'Ask me something or do something inappropriate which will further have you sleeping all alone in next room' which thankfully does it all for me, Camryn is not someone to be left alone at nights, she is afraid of the dark and being alone she can just loose herself to panic attacks and I know it's wrong to use it against her but I have no other option then to do so but I never will let her sleep alone no matter what happens.

As per the morning routine then let me tell you what Happens every new day, now for starters I will shake her up lightly but she won't reply, I will do that again and again and again and again untill she wakes up and then starts the real horror show with her tantrums and loud cries that can literally raise the dead from the coffin.

If she was my little then I was her mommy, if she could raise up the dead then me being a vampire I could at least raise her up from her sleep and to the fact that she was hungry can be helpful for me at times like this, squeezing my breast enough, I let one or two drops leak down my nipple as I heard Camryn groan in her sleep by now I was sure about her smelling it as she opened her left eye slightly taking in the situation and within no second she had mouth latched up on my breast as she suckled in the liquid which made her moan in satisfaction.

"Well good morning to you too my sweet girl" I whispered kissing her ear lobe briefly not in a sensual way but in a motherly manner as I felt her body shrinking in a ball as she snuggled deep by my side with her lips still latched to my breast.

It took her half an hour to drain me completely after which she was like a horse, within no second she was up and out of our room and I was to weak to chase her and so I linked up my mind with Rebecca as I asked her to have Camryn freshen up after which I cut of the link, while I turned myself towards Emma as I snuggled up with her and good God I can't even say how much I love her.

Soon I was joined by Anne who wrapped her arms around me from behind as she kissed my shoulder and well it was her thing to do so, I hummed softly liking it, it has been years since I was in any sexual contact with Anne and as if she heard it I felt her fingers slipping down under my thongs which made me to turn myself around as I attacked her lips with that of mine.

"You both are aware of me being here" came from Emma as I heard Anne giggled "Mhmm I knew it...and you get blue balls just by seeing both of us naked" was a comment passed by Anne to which Emma groaned "You know that and still you are doing that infront of me while all I want is a good day sleepppppppp...." Emma whined as she stood up and walked herself towards the door "I am going for the guest room, you both enjoy and Anne you better remember about me as well....." Emma was cut short by Anne "And who said you are leaving Em ?" With that asked she had the door locked by it's upper latch.

"What the hell....Ann, I am tired I wanna sleep..." Emma whined again which made Anne to sit up as she undressed herself "Are you still tired ?" She said with her voice raspy as ever, wanna seduce someone Learn it from Anne.

I sat up with my back leaning towards the backrest of the bed as I watched everything, I could see Emma getting harder by every single passing second as her eyes were now filled up with lust while her mouth was wide open.

Anne beckoned her towards herself which made Emma to growl up on us as she almost jumped up on the our bed with her eyes glowing bright red with lust.

Emma by now had her cloths off beside the bed as her little friend was up in attention as Anne licked her lips with so much lust kneeling down she gripped Emma's Bonner as she licked the tip of it which made Emma growl in pleasure after which Anne took her in mouth which made Emma gasp but she soon had her fingers Tangled up in Anne's hair.

"You like it, don't you ?" Asked Emma to which I saw Ann nodding it off as Em pushed her length deep inside her throat gagging her as I watched it all happen, "Lay yourself Down" said Emma as Ann obeyed her and soon Emma had herself thrusting herself deep inside Ann.

I could just interrupt Emma with her little dominant self but I wanted to see how much can she go showing her dominant tricks, it went on and on till now Ann was a panting mess, both of us knew deep down that sex with a werewolf was really a tiering job as they have higher energy levels and that's pretty much unleashed.

I was tired the fact that I had not much blood running in my body was taking over me, I felt light headed and soon I felt myself fading down as darkness took over my whole raw self.
To be continued...

(This is something I wrote before, but reading this made me want to keep it and not delete the extra words I wrote)

I like this a lot, the way I can raise a dead, I can bring things to life, just with words alone I can turn Your or my fantasies to reality in a book, I can give wings to my thoughts And I can unleash the power of imagination is what makes me feel better, In a way I am ruling your world of imagination, I just love the power I have as an author to many untouched things, to many unexplored worlds and beyond it, being an author has it's own perks to be cherished and I am learning to love every single end of being what I am today, Thank you guys for being there beside me, loving me and helping me get better, you guys accepted me just the way I am with all of my flaws and my disabilities, I just want to thank you all for supporting me.

I love you all so so so much.

And Thank You.

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