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Camryn's Pov 

It has been two days since I woke up knowing nothing, it's like I don't remember those 24 Hours of my life and when I asked Regina about it she asked for me to just rest and that's it while Emma, I haven't seen her from yesterday itself.

The whole family is gathered down there and I don't really know what happened yesterday, all I know is that soon we all will be flying to Madagascar, the place unknown to me, I have never heard of that place ever.

It was bed time as I was on bed while Regina just walked out from bath room, nothing but a towel was wrapped around her body she looked sexy and smoky, I licked my lips seeing her like that.

"You are beautiful...." I commented on which I saw her turn with an eyebrow raised up which was a turn on for me, it surprises me, how easily can she just turn me on without even saying a word.

"I see, someone is in different mood" she said aiming at me while I just shrugged it of, standing up I walked myself towards her "Camryn, we can't do this yet...." While I cut her off with my lips on hers, it was as if I was hungry for her.

I sensed something in the air which made me pull back, this was not familiar, this smell was of some unknown presence, "Make yourself Known" I demanded but it went unanswered, "Cam, what is it ?" She asked concerned while I ignored her for a moment as I focused on my senses to figure out something.

I walked my way towards the window as I yanked the curtains down revealing a man or I should say a shadow, I had no clue what it really was but it wasn't moving and was still under my gaze, it did not try to escape or something "who are you ?" I questioned but no reply as I turned myself from him "Do you know what it is ?" I asked Regina as she sighed "This is my fucking bedroom, have some respect for the holy love of God, there is something called privacy idiots...." Regina trailed of annoyed with what just happened as she walked her way towards me "Let him go Camryn, he is one among the many guards my mother summoned from Madagascar for my security purpose" she informed of me to which I nodded as I backed off from the shadow.

"They can't speak but are powerful Enough to take a whole human army down all alone by themselves" Regina described as I sighed, I knew nothing about whatever happened yesterday while I just want to know it.

"Come on, let's sleep, it's past your bed time besides that we have a long day tomorrow, we have to go shopping for some necessary things for day after tomorrow" she said as she grabbed her red silk robe and shrugging it on she beckoned me close by her index finger as I shook my head I wanted to know what happened yesterday, "I don't want to sleep, not unless you tell me what happened yesterday..." I trailed off as I watched her sigh "you have to make it hard for me every time, don't you" she said or more like taunted me in a way.

"It won't be hard for you if you waste no time to acknowledge me with the unknown" I said to which she shook her head "Why are you so hard sometimes to handle Camryn ? Sometimes I wish for you to be a 2 year old like before, that way at least I can handle you properly" she said which made me scoff and I was about to say something but that's when I heard a voice from behind me "Lemme handle this one..." Said non other then our very dear Queen Anne as I rolled my eyes on her, she thinks that Regina can see her or hear her and she is wrong there.

"You know she can't hear Y.." I was interrupted by Regina "Please...., Do that, it will be so nice of you to help me handle her" said Regina and it was then when I realized that she heard Anne which then made my eyes go wide open while my mouth dropped open hitting it right down the floor.

"U...you can hear her ?" I asked and I was I answered by Regina who stood there with a smirk plastered over her luscious lips, "Not only she could hear me....." She took a pause, walking her way towards Regina she stood behind her as she wrapped an arm around Regina's waist while pulling her closer she placed a kiss down on Regina's shoulder "...but can also see me" revealed Anne as she eyed me and I could see lust in her eyes.

I felt jealousy creeping it's way up in my body and my first instinct was to disappear from this surface of Earth, I felt abondoned, I felt unwanted and it all came up on me simultaneously, I decided to leave the room but was stopped by Regina "And where do you think you are going ?" She asked and I decided to not answer as I took one step closer to the threshold but was pulled back inside there room and on the bed within no second I found both of them standing right infront of me.

"You want to know about yesterday, don't you well then I will tell you all of it...." She started explaining everything and till the end I was a cry mess "I am so sorry, I really am for everything that happened to you Anne...." I was cut short by her as she cupped my cheeks "Hey hey hey....it's not your fault trust me Babygirl, you have nothing to do with anything that happened with me back then, its in past, you weren't even born then sweet girl, it should be be apologizing for using your body Camryn, yesterday morning, I saw Carl entering the room when you were asleep and he was about to do the same with you what he did with me years ago and I just couldn't stand seeing all of that, he was here for the book but when he saw you sleeping with nothing but just a duvet wrapped around yourself his mind changed I could sense him right there, while he had that audacity to enter my house and my bedroom for you Camryn while I couldn't just stand him for a moment but was bound to make a move against him like this, it was yesterday morning when I realized that this is something which was important for Regina and Emma to know about, there was no one back then who could have tried saving me but yesterday it was me who could save you from him and that was when I decided to step out of that world to save you and I wanted a body to have myself in because then nobody could see me in this form but only you and that would have been of no use and so I chose you for this and then rest is history" she concluded which made me nod.

"Now since you are aware of what happened yesterday then I want you to be kind enough and sleep" Regina said with her tone full of sarcasm as I rolled my eyes on that "Do that again and you will be in next room sleeping alone all by yourself" she threatened me which made me to jump up on bed as I laid down pulling the duvet up on my head "Well, that's what I thought..." She trailed off as I heard shuffling around the room but I did not dare to even look for it.

Soon the bed dipped beside me as I felt a body behind me and automatically I turned myself towards Regina as she pulled me closer in her arms while I snuggled myself deep into her chest which reminds me of my BloodMilk, I pulled myself back as I eyed her breast which were full and it seemed like they were calling me for a feast and as if she sensed it "You better not dare to do something inappropriate which could lead you to sleep all alone in the room next door, I remember you draining me completely this morning and I bet it will keep you going till tomorrow morning" were the words which made me to fire up the idea of my feast and to settle up with just cuddling her while I heard Anne laugh from behind the mirror itself and I had that urge to get up and break the mirror but I somehow controlled myself from doing 'something inappropriate which will lead me to sleep all alone in the room next door'.
To be continued...

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